De Nieuwe Kleren Van De Keizer

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PHYSICS 911 Operation Pearl
S.P.I.N.E. : The Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven

WTC vreemd scheef
 ae911truth.orgThe President Of 9/11
ZEITGEIST, THE MOVIE (ook met Nederlandse ondertiteling)
I used to be proud to be an American. Cathy Garger

Painful Questions - Eric Hufschmidt - An Analysis if the September 11th Attack - WMV file
9-11 EYEWITNESS - Highlights - realmedia video
ZEITGEIST - Final Edition - realmedia video
What's The Truth How Indeed Did The Twin Towers Collapse - WMV file - WMV file
Who Killed Barry Jennings?

Het intellectuele debat

Waar is de onderzoekjournalist gebleven?
Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says
911 missing links GOOGLE VIDEO
Uitgebreide Nederlandse Website
De belangrijkste bewijzen van 11 september 2001
The New Media Sets A New Tone
In Case I Disappear
Peak Oil, het einde van het OLIE-IMPERIUM
Bilderberg Club - the Mother of all Secret Societies

Alex Jones  David Icke  David Griffin  Loose Change  William Rivers Pitt  Richard Heinberg  Eric Hufschmid
Robin de Ruiter

Gelooft u nog steeds dat 11 september 2001 is georganiseerd vanuit een grot in Afghanistan?

Iedereen weet na 8 jaar dat er niets klopte van het "officiële" complot van de 19 moslims die met twee vliegtuigen drie enorme wolkenkrabbers plat kregen waarbij bijna 3000 mensen vermoord werden, plus nog enkele honderden doden in het Pentagon en in "vlucht 93".  Dë enige echte complottheorie
van de USA regering. Alle andere complottheorieën zijn zeker waarschijnlijker dan die van die moslims als piloot.

Het openbare "onderzoek" naar deze +/- 3000 doden is
na 8 jaar in de "media" geen stap opgeschoten ondanks de onweerlegbare bewijzen van
explosieven in de gebouwen. Op het internet is het totaal anders, daar staan de bewijzen van de gecontroleerde explosies in de gebouwen voor het oprapen.

Maar de diverse regeringen profiteren zodanig van de resultaten van "911", dat zij er niet aan denken een coherente analyse van "911" officieel te accepteren, hoeveel bewijzen er ook worden geleverd op het internet.

De 911truth beweging is door gebrek aan geld en deelnemers tot nu toe niet in staat geweest een gat te slaan in het pantser van de hermetisch samenwerkende regeringen.

De journalist
David Aaronovitch van de Timesonline schrijft het amusante boek Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History met het doel de daden van de ex leiders Bush en Blair glad te strijken door middel van de boodschappers ("plotters") met woorden te doden. Vooral David Ray Griffin krijgt het op z'n boterham:

Nor, we now know, was it his common sense. In my library of conspiriana are several books by the American theologian David Ray Griffin, intellectual guru of the “Bush blew up the twin towers” movement. Griffin believes that no plane hit the Pentagon (despite hundreds of people seeing it) and that the World Trade Centre was brought down by a controlled demolition. There isn't a single point of alleged fact upon which Griffin's barking theory hasn't itself been demolished. And there isn't a single volume of Griffin that doesn't carry Falk's endorsement.

Het boek van David Aaronovitch puilt uit van de bovenstaande vermoeiende grootspraak, gebruikelijk bij Iraël-aanhangers die alles glad strijken wat de heilige huisjes van de officiële regeringspolitiek bedreigt. Iedereen die nadenkt en vragen stelt is een "plotter" of/en een "conspirator" Het is ongetwijfeld geschreven omdat het voor iedereen die nadenkt steeds duidelijker wordt hoe onmogelijk die samenzwering moet zijn geweest van die 19 moslims in een grot in Afghanistan. Wat de zaak nog sinisterder maakt is de doorslaggevende rol van de Israelische regering
in de 9/11 affaire. 
Aaronovitch is dus een onderdeel van een Israelische cover-up operatie. Aaronovitch' filiaal in de USA wordt gerund door Michael Shermer met dezelfde uit de lucht gegrepen bolle grootspraak. Shermer geeft een blad uit, genaamd "Skeptic" ongeveer van hetzelfde niveau als de Nederlandse equivalent "Skepsis" Aaronovitch en Shermer zijn agenten van de Israëlische Mossad, zonder twijfel.
De volgende links geven voldoende aanleiding om Israël juridisch aan te klagen wegens massamoord en oorlogshitsen:


Victor Thorn:
The Talmud granting permission for Jews to cheat, steal from, kill, and deceive non-Jews

Analyse van de gebeurtenissen op 11 september 2001.

Het is een algemeen bekend gegeven dat het grootste deel van de wereldbevolking vanaf 2001 intuïtief bewust is wie de aanslagen op de twintowers en het pentagon hebben uitgevoerd. De vraag is alleen hoe het komt dat de diverse
"officiële" media met de aan de macht zijnde politici er niet over willen schrijven en/of spreken. Deze intuïtieve kennis van de meeste mensen wordt dus bewust uit de "media" gehouden.
De macht ligt dus kennelijk elders en zeker niet bij de media en al helemaal niet in de handen van politici. Overal en altijd is het zo dat wie betaalt bepaalt, dus is het logisch dat je het moet zoeken bij degenen die de uiteindelijke zeggenschap
over het grote geld hebben.

Soms is het eenvoudig het geldspoor te volgen, maar in d
e wereld van het èchte grote geld zijn er nogal wat mensen  die zich achter instanties verschuilen die zich bezig houden met weldaden voor de mensheid.

Je zou de echte machthebbers kunnen zoeken in de directies van de Europese Centrale bank, in de USA bij de zogenaamde (particuliere) Federal Reserve. Daar zitten de mensen die besluiten kunnen nemen, gedragen door enorme sommen geld. De grote corporaties kunnen ook die macht hebben, of de echt grote particuliere banken. Het Vaticaan en de World Bank hebben ook onnoemelijk veel macht.  Maar misschien staan deze mensen ook op een loonlijst van enkele beslissers in de wereldpolitiek.

Hoe staan al die geldcompetente organisaties met elkaar in verbinding waardoor zij zo'n aanslag kunnen laten uitvoeren?
 Degenen die de tienduizenden explosieven (cuttercharges en 4 enorme bommen) leverden en plaatsten staan ergens op
 een loonlijst. Ook de personen die de enorme (fusie?) bommen in de kelders van WTC 1,2,6 en 7 plaatsen zijn ook betaald
 (waar zijn de bonnetjes?) Degenen die de vliegtuigen met afstandsbediening in de gebouwen gestuurd hebben ook.
 Verder al de mensen die verhaaltjes verzonnen hebben, de werkvoorbereiders die berichtjes in de media geplaatst
 hebben, degenen die alles hebben gecoördineerd en fysiek hebben laten uitvoeren. Al die mensen zijn betaald. Er moeten
 mensen bij zijn geweest uit de Hollywood omgeving, uit de omgeving van het bedrijf Controlled Demolition en allerlei
 manager-achtige figuren uit het bedrijfsleven moeten vorstelijk zijn betaald. Het is al met al een dure aangelegenheid
 geweest. Dit kon alleen worden uitgevoerd door mensen die echt over het grote (belasting) geld beschikten. Donald
 Rumsfeld vertelde op 10 september 2001 een verhaaltje in de pers over 1.1 trillion (biljoen) dollar die verdwenen was van
 de federale begroting. Vrijwel zeker is daarmee de hele 9/11 operatie betaald incusief zwijggeld.

De vraag die automatisch bij mij opkomt is hoe zou het komen dat er zoveel discipline heerst dat niemand van de
 "organisatie van 911"  in die 9 jaar uit de school heeft geklapt? Zijn er dan helemaal geen klokkenluiders?  Of
worden die zoals Barry Jennings stomweg vermoord?
De enige regeringsleider die de moed heeft gehad om het "officiele" verhaal in twijfel te trekken is de Iraanse
Ahmadinejad  in zijn speech voor de VN op 23 september 2010
Waarop de delegaties van de USA en EU de zaal verlieten. 
Alle leden van de samenzwering gingen weg, de rest (overgrote meerderheid) bleef zitten.

Deze wereldwijde samenzwering moet leden hebben in de top van alle 'westerse' regeringen om de officiële leugens star
te handhaven. Dit is op zich al een merkwaardig gegeven. Kennelijk is met heel veel geld alles mogelijk.

In de wereld moet toch ergens een overkoepelende organisatie zijn met beslissende leden in alle hoogste directies en
regeringsinstanties en die over al  het grote geld beschikken. Het moet een organisatie zijn die zich onttrekt aan welke
democratische controle dan ook, anders zou via de wet openbaarheid bestuur zo op te vragen zijn welke organistie in alle
hoogste geledingen van de macht leden heeft.

Het moet dus een de politiek overstijgende organisatie zijn die opgebouwd is in een soort cellenstructuur, waarvan de leden van de diverse cellen niets weten van elkaars acties. Bovendien moet deze organisatie geheime lidmaten hebben, die elkaar via allerlei geheime communicatie (golfvereniging, rotaryclub, geheime rituele bijeenkomsten) ontmoeten en onder controle houden. Door middel van vette banen, bonussen en andere beloningen worden de leden afhankelijk gemaakt.

Het doel van de club is voor de lagere leden kennelijk volstrekt  verborgen. Deze verenigingen hebben duizenden tot miljoenen  leden. Het feit alleen al dat een voor iedereen zichtbaar feit niet in de krant of op de tv komt is bedenkelijk. De vraag is hoe dat wordt tegengehouden. Dat kan alleen met een zeer uitgebreide organisatie. Het moet dus door een wereldwijde samenzwering uitgevoerd worden.

Je kan er niet omheen dat de twintowers zijn ingestort. Dat is een gegeven,
maar ook het doorslag gevende bewijs van explosieven is kristalhelder, waardoor de methoden van deze wereldwijde ondergrondse organisatie bloot zijn gelegd. Het vermoorden van 3000 onschuldige mensen in de Twintowers en de vele tienduizenden New Yorkers die later zullen doodgaan aan diverse longziekten laat deze organisatie dus volledig onverschillig. Daarbij komen nog de oorlogen in Afghanistan en Irak met vele honderdduizenden doden. Al met al een onvoorstelbare criminele daad. (Waarschijnlijk had men veel meer doden in de Twintowers willen maken door mensen via de intercom terug te sturen naar hun kantoor in de nog niet geraakte Zuidtoren)

Kennelijk was de organisatiegraad en samenwerking van de globaal opererende occulte bewegingen anno 2001 zodanig dat ze wel een gokje konden wagen, weliswaar met 3000 directe doden, maar dat is op te lossen met totale controle over de media. Dat is tot nu toe dus goed gelukt, alleen hoe krijg je het internet gelijkgeschakeld met de andere media? Hier is toch duidelijk iets mis gegaan in de prognose.

Er is dus door deze mensen een fatale en domme misrekening gemaakt. Deze misrekening is het INTERNET. De moord op Kennedy en allerlei oorlogen konden worden verdoezeld door de geringe financiële en publicitaire middelen van de onderzoekers. Met wetenschappelijke en historische feiten is al honderden jaren gefraudeert. Door middel van geld kan je n.l. alles naar je hand zetten.

Om iets wereldwijd in de kranten te krijgen heb je geld nodig.  Om iets wereldwijd UIT de kranten te houden heb je ook geld nodig. De moord op Kennedy is te lang geleden om nog op te rakelen, maar de moord op 3000 onschuldige burgers verjaart niet zo gemakkelijk. Het is een prestatie van de geheime clubs dat 8 jaar na dato nog steeds geen officieel onafhankelijk onderzoek naar "911" is begonnen.  Het onderzoek moet absoluut vrij zijn van invloeden van occultisten. Als "911" is opgelost met de duizenden medeplichtigen achter de tralies zou je ook kunnen gaan denken aan het oplossen van de moord op J.F. Kennedy. Dat waren blijkbaar dezelfde geheime clubs waar hij voor waarschuwde: "the people in the shadows".

Iedereen die een beetje kon rekenen wist dat de massamoord niet toevallig op 11 september 2001 plaatsvond. Alle occulte clubs ter wereld wisten dat namelijk ook onmiddellijk.  Het gecontroleerd opblazen van de wolkenkrabbers is voor hun macht een manifeste gebeurtenis. Begin oktober 2001 , direct nadat er weer gevlogen mocht worden (er gold na 11 september namelijk een weken durend vliegverbod) verzamelden zich honderden "toeristen" op de Empire State Building om de resultaten van deze massamoord te bezichtigen. In alle kranten met artikelen en foto's op de voorpagina's. De eerste bezoekers aan Amerika na 11 september die op de Empire State Buidling stonden, z.g. "om Amerika een hart onder de riem te steken". In werkelijkheid houden deze mensen van lijken, het geconcentreerde aantal van 3000 lijken en enorme ravage was een buitenkansje voor deze satanisten. De aanslag in New York was dus een gebeurtenis voor occulte ramptoeristen van de eerste orde.

Een bijkomend probleem is de inlichtingendiensten, wie controleert die, wat is de rol van Israëlische firma's wat
betreft afluisteren van telefoon-, fax-, e-mail en ander internetverkeer? Worden staten ook afgeluisterd, worden
zelfs geheime diensten afgeluisterd. Gezien het monopolie van deze firma's en hun hebreeuwse software, kijk
maar naar de Israëlische firma Verint, heeft Israël en daarmee het zionisme alles onder controle. Als daarbij ook
nog de wereldwijde geldstromen worden "gestuurd" is de rol van Israël in deze sinistere aanslag helder. Een
speculatie is dat Israëlische explosievenexperts de springladingen in de Twintowers en gebouw 7 hebben geplaatst,
dan is de cirkel rond en de geheimhouding verklaarbaar.

Getallen zijn voor deze samenzwering van doorslaggevend belang. George Bush sr. kondigde op 11 september 1991 de Nieuwe Wereld Orde aan. Precies weer op 11 september 2001 organiseert zijn zoon de oneindige oorlog van het christenfundalisme met het zionisme tegen alle moslims der aarde. Op 11 september! Apocalyptischer en occulter kan het niet zijn. Het getal 11 is voor deze clubs het getal van het kwaad. Vlucht nummer 11 vliegt in de noordelijke toren van op een 11 gelijkende TwinTowers. Het noorden heeft ook occulte betekenis.

Welke organisaties zijn geobsedeerd door magische getallen? Wie waren die ramptoeristen in New York? Waren dat de rozenkruisers, vrijmetselaars en de leden van Skull&Bones? Als je hun geschriften leest hebben deze clubs het al eeuwen over de Nieuwe Wereld Orde die met alle middelen moet worden gevestigd. Daarbij horen ook methoden om de wereldbevolking te reduceren (eugenetica), ook met alle middelen.

In de hoogste graden van de genoemde clubs zitten mensen die hun orders ontvangen van mensen die al vanouds over
uiteindelijk al het geld beschikken en bepalen waar het aan uitgegeven wordt. Zij drukken het geld namelijk zelf en ze zijn inderdaad geobsedeerd door "hermetische" getallen. In bijvoorbeeld Engeland bestaan tegenwoordig ongeveer 8000 vrijmetselaarsloges, in Nederland enkele honderden, in de VS zijn 8 milioen mensen lid van één of ander geheim genootschap.

Dus door een beetje denkwerk en logica kom je als vanzelf op het antwoord van het mysterie van 11 september 2001. Waarom kunnen onderzoeksjournalisten dat niet? Het staat namelijk nergens in de krant. Het is nu onweerlegbaar dat de gebouwen gecontroleerd zijn opgeblazen. Niemand kan daar anno 2009 meer omheen. Toch komt er niets los in "de media". Dat komt omdat de media gecontroleerd zijn door bovengenoemde geheime cubs.

Maar met het internet kan je zonder geld tòch wereldwijd je mening publiceren. "911" is dus dé kans om deze wereldwijde samenzwering op te rollen. Het enige probleem is dat blijkbaar zowat alle machthebbers lid zijn van of betaald worden door de wereldwijd samenwerkende satanische organisaties. Het enige wat moet gebeuren is dat er een nieuw geldsysteem wordt ontwikkeld dat onmogelijk kan worden gecontroleerd door enkelingen of geheime clubs.

Historisch is een analogie te ontdekken in de bomexplosie met 85 doden en 270 gewonden in het station in Bologna op 2 augustus 1980. Daar werd ook eerst de schuld gegeven aan de Rode Brigades. Later bleek de P2 vrijmetselaarsloge in samenwerking met een Gladio afdeling de bomaanslag te hebben uitgevoerd. De verantwoordelijke vrijmetselaars zijn nooit gestraft, alleen is de P2 vrijmetselaar Gelli vermoord in Londen. Margaret Thatcher heeft de daders
asiel verleend waardoor de Italiaanse justitie de daders nooit heeft kunnen pakken. Andere vrijmetselaars noemen de P2 loge een "afvallige" tak van de
 vrijmetselarij. De aanslag van 2 augustus 1980 past echter precies in de strategie van de wereldwijde vrijmetselaarsloges.  11 september 2001 volgt hetzelfde
patroon: de Rode Brigades kregen de schuld van de bomaanslag in Bologna, de moslims kregen de schuld van "9/11"

De aanslag in New York volgt dus hetzelfde patroon als de aanslag in Bologna met eerst de schuld geven aan "de moslims", alleen de schaal is vele malen groter met meer slachtoffers en meer betrokken vrijmetselaarsloges. Het uiteindelijke doel is ook hetzelfde, namelijk expansie van de militaire uitgaven en kneveling van de burgers op weg naar een wereldwijde politiestaat.  Het bijkomende voordeel is een nog grotere macht van de occulte clubs door invoering van de "patriotwet".

Omdat de geheime loges geïnfiltreerd zijn in alle geledingen van het bestuur en de media kan je spreken van een oorlog van de staat tegen de burgers. De Nederlandse Staat "profiteert"  indirect mee met 9/11 door invoering van id verpichting,
Europees arrestatiebevel, tal van registratiefaciliteiten, wetten en maatregelen, allemaal in de richting van een globale
politiestaat. Het einde van het derde rijk was geen einde van het nazidom
. Er wordt sinds 1945 volop gewerkt aan het
vierde rijk ook wel genoemd het vierde rijk van de rijken.

@Hans de Jonge 2010

Identieke rookwolk op 11 september 2001 en een ondergrondse atoomproef in Nevada 1952.
Compare the World Trade Center plume to the plume from a shallow US government underground nuclear demolition. A powerful source of heat can be seen at work in the World Trade Center event, continuing to force dust up into the air in a pillar of rising smoke. It is plain to see from the most cursory inspection of the photographs of the World Trade Center , that the collapse started with an extremely violent and high energy eruption of material from the building.

The ejection of material is comparable to a volcanic eruption. The pyroclastic flow of dust after the collapse is also typical of certain volcanic eruptions. The building did not simply collapse and implode as occurs during a controlled demolition. It certainly didn’t collapse as one would expect if the central supporting columns had simply buckled or given way. The building in fact exploded violently and ejected pulverized concrete, steel and rubble in all directions, followed by pyroclastic flow of hot dust following the same pattern as the base of an underground nuclear explosion.

Clearly, the energy source responsible for this was enormous and far greater than that required to carry out a conventional controlled demolition by implosion. This was a nuclear demolition. An underground nuclear demolition. The following pages describe the effects of an underground nuclear blast and are reproduced from an on-line book titled, “The Effects of Nuclear Weapons,” written by the US Department of Defense and the Energy Research and Development Administration in 1977. It is perhaps one of the best sources of information available on nuclear weapons. The particularly important points are highlighted.
Jeff Prager!/notes/jeff-prager/new-pics/10150191639854838

De Nieuwe Kleren Van De Keizer

Door Hans de Jonge
De meeste politici hebben geen benul van de invloed van het internet op het denken van het kiezersvolk. Er wordt vaak door politici neerbuigend beweerd dat honderd procent van wat er aan onderzoek en opinie op het internet verschijnt onzin is. "Die mening of dat feit komt zeker van het internet?" Pas als het in de gevestigde gedrukte pers verschijnt (een artikel in het Algemeen Handelsblad) is het volgens deze politici waar en moet er serieus rekening mee worden gehouden, of moet er op worden gereageerd. Op het web is inderdaad wel erg veel sex, commercie en ander entertainment, maar onafhankelijke en onbaatzuchtige media zijn ook volop aanwezig. Wie zoekt kan op het internet veel meer relevante en feitelijke informatie vinden dan in de krant of op tv. Natuurlijk zijn ook kranten aktief op het internet, maar dat betekent meestal geen extra informatie. Vaak wordt niet meer dan wat in de krant staat op het internet geplaatst. Wel handig als archief, maar niet meer achtergrondinformatie. Daar zouden de kranten misschien tóch mee kunnen scoren.

Nu, 9 jaar en vele tienduizenden doden later zou wel eens de vraag gesteld kunnen worden of de aanslag op de Twin Towers in 2001 als begin van de "War On Terror" wel echt zo gegaan is als het verhaal van Bush en zijn Skull & Bones bende ons wil laten geloven. Waarom komt geen enkele 'reguliere' journalist daarop terug met een evaluatie van de feiten?
Constructeurs en architecten stellen de leugens van
de politici en media aan de orde.

Sinds het ontstaan van het internet is een enorme kloof ontstaan tussen de "oude" media en het internet. In de kranten en
op het journaal lijken halsstarrig gekunstelde waarheden te worden gecultiveerd. Dat is natuurlijk altijd al zo geweest,
maar nu wordt het veel duidelijker zichtbaar, want soms als je persoonlijk bij een gebeurtenis aanwezig was blijkt een heel
ander verhaal in de krant te staan. De waarheid is in de fantasie van de journalist niet in overeenstemming met de
feitelijke gebeurtenis, maar door het monopolie van de kranten op de nieuwsvoorziening werd dat vroeger niet opgemerkt.

Maar nu met het internet erbij begint het op te vallen. Er zijn dagelijks tientallen voorbeelden te noemen van feiten die wel tot de bodem worden uitgezocht op het internet, maar die nooit in de krant komen.
Het vak onderzoeksjournalist is uit de krant en uit het journaal verwijderd.
Soms wordt er nog wel een boek uitgegeven, maar door de ontlezing bereikt dat maar een klein publiek.
Is dat genre te duur of komt het niet gelegen om te wroeten in de gedicteerde "feiten"?  In welke krant staat nu nog een ongebiast achtergrondartikel over terrorisme? De oorzaak is de concentratie en bundeling van de media.
Kranten zijn samengevoegd tot grote concerns. Op zich zou daar niets mis mee zijn als deze bundeling
op louter practische gronden plaatsvond: gezamenlijke drukkerij, verspreiding, faciliteiten etc. Maar het blijkt in de
praktijk te leiden tot censuur of op zijn minst zeer éénzijdige berichtgeving omdat de persbureaus, waar de media hun nieuws van aftappen in handen zijn van "mediatycoons", bijvoorbeeld Reuters ( lees:
Rupert Murdoch ) is totaal niet onafhankelijk.
Door de concentratie van "het nieuws" in handen van een enkel monopolie  is in de wereld anno 2007 een nog ergere
censuur dan in de vroegere DDR en de voormalige Sowjet-Unie. In combinatie met de afluisterpraktijken van de NSA
is er een controle ontstaan waar de voormalige stasi en kgb jaloers op zouden zijn.
Via de officiële persbureaus krijgen we niets te zien en te lezen over de flitsen van de ontstekers van de thermite
in de Twintowers tijdens de ´controlled demotition´, terwijl eenvoudig onderzoek deze logica eenvoudig zou aantonen.
Dat is zeer verontrustend te noemen. Die explosies waren er toch echt, daar is overweldigend bewijs van.
Dat weken later nog roodgloeiende kolommen van de torens werden gevonden onder de puinhopen is het bewijs
dat er behalve ´snelle´ explosieven (ontstekers?) ook een vorm van ´thermite´ is gebruikt om de gelaste knooppunten
van de liggers en kolommen te doen smelten. Onder leiding van Marvin Bush zijn onder het mom van "brandveiligheid"
de 47 verticale stalen kolommen bekleed met een laag van 10 cm dik thermite.
De thermite wordt standaard ontstoken met magnesium (de witte flitsen die vrijwel alle getuigen beschreven) 
Thermate is zelfs nog heter: bij de ijzeroxide en aluminium is zwavel toegevoegd. Binnen enkele seconden
bereikt thermite/thermate een temperatuur van 2500 graden Celsius, ruim voldoende boven het smeltpunt
van staal: 1500 graden Celsius. Professor Jones heeft in het stof duidelijke sporen NANO-THERMTE
Geen enkel klein berichtje daarover in AD, NRC, Volkskrant, Trouw, Parool, Groene Amsterdammer,
Vrij Nederland, Elsevier, HP, Kleintje Muurkrant Tubantia, PZC, De Stem, Reformatorisch Dagblad,
Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, Limburgse Courant etc.: nogmaals zeer verontrustend.
Ook geen enkel klein berichtje bij de NOS, VPRO, VARA, KRO, EO, Netwerk, Tegenlicht, terwijl het toch
over een wetenschappelijk feit gaat.
Het totale Nederlandse medialandschap is monddood gemaakt.

Larry Silverstein heeft als joodse vastgoedmagnaat miljarden verdiend aan de inéénstorting van zijn 
World Trade Center. hij heeft de gebouwen namelijk net voor september 2001 aangekocht en wonder
boven wonder een vreselijk vette verzekering afgesloten mèt een dure 'terrorismeclausule'.
Samen met Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle en Dick Cheney heeft hij de aanslagen gepland met Marvin en
George Bush als trekpoppetjes die het vuile werk opknapten.
Dit alles ter meerdere glorie van de eeuwige oorlog van Israël, de olie en het nieuwe duizendjarige rijk van
alle verbonden geheime genootschappen in de wereld ofwel die fijne "New Worldorder" van vader George
Bush, de ex-president en net als zijn zoon lid van het sinistere Skull & Bones, samen met hun vrienden uit de vrijmetselaars- en rozekruisersloges en daarvan weer hun beste kennissen die allemaal met elkaar verbonden belangen hebben en allemaal al honderden jaren streven naar een soort duizendjarig rijk (
chiliasme of z.g. Millenialisten).
Het duizendjarige Roomse Rijk is nu de vrijmetselaar Ratzinger de Paus geworden,
Tijdens de toespraak voor de VN bedient hij zich van vrijmetselaarssymbolen w.o.
de piramide in de vorm van de driehoek van zijn duimen en wijsvingers, Henry Paulson, de
USA minister van financi
ën liet veelvuldig de 'masonic' driehoek zien tijdens de toespraak
waarin hij de 700 miljard dollar gift aan het bankbedrijf verdedigde.
Freemason Ratzinger
Driehoek vrijmetselaars
Henry Paulson

Op 11 september 1991 hield president George Bush een toespraak op tv waarin hij
de NIEUWE WERELD ORDE afkondigde, maar daar kwam niet veel van terecht.
Op 11 september 2001 werd zijn
NIEUWE WERELD ORDE gerealiseerd door zijn zoon
met de "Patriot Act" en nog een hele hoop andere maatregelen voor een politiestaat.
Je hoeft geen getallenfetisjist te zijn om deze "toevallige" data waar precies 10 jaar tussen
zitten op z'n minst als hoogst merkwaardig te

De z.g. "media" hebben merkwaardig genoeg niets gecontroleerd of het onwaarschijnlijke verhaal wel echt
waar is, dat vanuit een grot in Afghanistan dit allemaal is georganiseerd. Waarom geen onderzoek?

Het klinkt als een wereldwijde samenzwering, maar het vervelende is dat voor elk logisch denkend mens
dit geen theorie is maar de beangstigende praktijk en de enige verklaring waarom nu al 7 jaar geen
enkele hotemetoot uit de school klapt, al dat soort mensen is bang hun
positie in de maatschappij 
kwijt te raken of nog erger, hun
riante salaris
of zelfs hun leven.
Ten opzichte van de honderdduizenden "offers" van deze bizarre en krankzinnige machtspolitiek zijn
wij (ikzelf en alle lezers van deze tekst) verplicht alles te doen om de waarheid boven tafel te krijgen.
Deze waarheid bestaat helaas uit een bijna ongeloofwaardig crimineel complot.
Het is uiterst belangrijk dat dit criminele complot openbaar wordt omdat anders het vertrouwen
van de mensheid in de toekomst totaal verloren zal gaan en daarom onze kinderen een desolate wereld erven die ontdaan is van ieder moreel besef.
Nu al neemt het fatalisme toe en beseft vrijwel iedereen dat alle mensen figuranten zijn in een moorddadig
Hollywood-décor. Daarom blijft men tegen beter weten in beweren dat de Moslims de aanslagen
hebben uitgevoerd vanuit een grot in Afghanistan. In Nederland wordt in alle media serieus gedicussieerd
over "onze jongens in Uruzgan" die een mystieke opdracht hebben het "kwaad" te bestrijden in een
illusionair land dat Afghanistan heet. In vroegere tijden ging je met de auto op vakantie naar Kabul, nu
is het een gebied waar je zeker niet heen gaat.

Wat mij dus erg bevreemd heeft is dat niemand in de gevestigde media echt heeft uitgezocht waarom
in de USA in 2001 vier vliegtuigen ongehinderd gedurende soms meer dan een uur van hun koers
konden afwijken en zelfs geheel van de radar verdwenen en dat in het meest beveiligde luchtruim van
de wereld. Niemand heeft onderzocht waarom de vermeende terroristen OVER een atoomcentrale
(2 reactoren en een enorme opslagplaats met atoomafval: 
Indian Point) gevlogen zijn om bovenin
de twintowers te eindigen in plaats van onderin, waardoor ze de kans misten dat de torens waren
omgevallen met de enorme schade en het veelvoud aan slachtoffers van dien.
De torens vielen echter precies gecontroleerd in het fundament. De terroristen hielden op miraculeuze
wijze de schade beperkt
. Het Pentagon werd ook grote schade bespaard door precies dat deel te treffen
waar bouwvakkers aan het werk waren in plaats van Rumsfeld met zijn kornuiten. De slachtoffers waren
dus voornamelijk bouwvakkers. Van de inzittenden en van het vliegtuig werd vreemd genoeg niets
teruggevonden. Alles was z.g. "verdampt" door de extreme hitte. Op foto's zijn echter nog volledige
kantooruitrustingen zichtbaar, dus zo extreem heet kan het niet geweest zijn. Een assertieve stralings-
expert las hoge waarden. Misschien gebruikten ze een DU-BUNKER-BUSTER - of was de wand van
het Pentagon met 'verarmd' uranium 'verrijkt' als afscherming tegen neutronenbommen.

Analogie: waar is de onderzoekjournalist gebleven?
Niemand heeft onderzocht waarom er zoveel politie aanwezig was tijdens de moord op Pim Fortuin. Niemand heeft
uitgezocht waarom er twee soorten kogels (9 mm van het pistool van van der G. en 'vreemde' 6 mm kogels) in het lichaam van Fortuyn gevonden waren. 
Niemand heeft uitgezocht wat Mohammed B’s informant-zijn van de AIVD te maken had met de moord op Theo van
Gogh. Niemand heeft uitgezocht waarom die Twin Towers en het WTC gebouw 7 zo gecontroleerd instortten.
Nergens staat een onafhankelijk achtergrondartikel over de aanslagen op Bali, in Madrid, in Londen en nu weer
“dreigende aanslagen” op vliegtuigen. In elke krant lees ik hetzelfde napraten van overheidsdiensten. Zou er verband
bestaan tussen de door de P2 loge georganiseerde aanslag in Bologna op 2 augustus 1980 met 85 doden en latere
terroristische aanslagen? Er is blijkbaar niemand in de gevestigde media die mag uitzoeken wat de rol is van die leden van geheime genootschappen die de leiding hebben van de geheime diensten. 
De media zwijgen als de tombe van Skull & Bones op het terrein van de Yale universiteit en als de "werkplaatsen" van
de vrijmetselaars en rozekruisers.
Deze media houden ons een schijnwereld voor om de mensen te verhullen die in de echte wereld aan de touwtjes
trekken. Iemand heeft uitgezocht hoe die telefoongesprekken konden worden gevoerd met een mobieltje vanuit een
vliegend vliegtuig. Het voeren van zo´n telefoongesprek was in 2001 namelijk ONMOGELIJK. en nu nog is het
 zonder speciale voorzieningen onmogelijk omdat zo snel verspringen van de ene GSM zender naar de volgende
 onmogelijk is. Als je met een auto heel snel rijdt is een gesprek al bijna onmogelijk, laat staan vanuit een vliegtuig. We
 worden dus voor de gek gehouden.

Zowel de journalist als de wetenschapper zou rusteloos op zoek moeten zijn naar de waarheid, helaas zijn zij aan
 handen en voeten gebonden aan de officiele politiek en aan de koersen van de aandelen en aan de subsidiestromen.

Mits de diverse overheden zelf filialen van deze P2 loge zijn.
Dat niemand iets mag uitzoeken is dan te verklaren. Daarom is de krant , de tv en het weekblad de
èchte schijnwereld waarin de grote concerns ons willen laten geloven. Wie onderzoek doet op het internet
en boeken leest, ziet een volledig andere wereld. Daarin wordt niet krampachtig gelogen en gezwegen
zoals in bijna alle kranten en tijdschriften.

In tegenstelling tot de "gevestigde media" is alle nieuwsvoorziening die over de werkelijkheid gaat te vinden op het internet, gebracht door onafhankelijke en vaak zeer professionele internet-journalisten, maar meestal zonder enige bezoldiging.
Op het internet wordt volop getwijfeld aan de berichtgeving in de kranten en van de overheid. Er is bij mensen,
die meer zoeken dan datgene dat in de kranten staat, meer en meer overtuiging aan het ontstaan dat er op regeringsniveau op een groteske manier wordt gelogen en verzwegen.
De enigen die deze leugens braaf optekenen zijn de gevestigde media, zeer in tegenstelling tot hun opdracht:
onafhankelijke nieuwsgaring en berichtgeving.

Iedereen die nadenkt en wel eens op het internet onderzoek doet, weet anno 2006 zeker dat de hele 9/11
actie onmogelijk vanuit een grot in Afghanistan kan zijn georganiseerd en uitgevoerd door een stelletje
ongeoefende moslims en dat je met
een paar uur oefenen in een éénmotorig toestelletje niet zo perfect
drie moderne lijntoestellen in de Twin
Towers en in het Pentagon kan sturen. Iedereen weet dat, maar
daarvan vind je niets in de officiële media van Nederland.

Dat op de passagierslijsten van de gecrashte vliegtuigen geen enkele kaper voorkomt
deert blijkbaar niemand van de "gevestigde media".

Iedere bouwkundige en civiele constructeur weet dat gebouwen niet zo maar instorten,
zeker gelaste moderne stalen gebouwen niet, die zelfs ontworpen zijn meerdere vliegtuigcrashes
en zware orkanen te weerstaan. Toch is zelfs de Technische Universiteit van Delft van mening dat
het totaal instorten van 3 gebouwen door middel van 2 vliegtuigen mogelijk is. Technisch zou je
toch zeggen dat dat niet kan zonder gebruik van explosieven.
Als je dan als bouwkundig ingenieur
toch blijft volhouden dat het zonder explosieven is gebeurd, schort er iets aan je opleiding of erger nog,
iets aan jezelf omdat je de feiten ontkent. De meeste mensen, dus ook constructeurs zijn van mening:
gebeurd is gebeurd en het is al zo lang geleden. Maar toch:
Het spontaan totaal instorten van deze gebouwen na zo'n geringe beschadiging zou daarom de definitieve
blamage voor elke constructeur MOETEN ZIJN.
De architect of constructeur die gelooft dat het mogelijk is dat de Twin Towers een uur na de beschadiging als gevolg van een vliegtuig met de daarop volgende brand exact symmetrisch totaal kunnen zijn ingestort zou zich moeten laten bijscholen door te klikken op dit logo: (engelse taal kunnen lezen is vereist)
De gebeurtenis van 11 september 2001 in New York maakt als dit verhaal van de USA overheid geloofd wordt iedere sterkteberekening waardeloos.  Alle zorgvuldig opgebouwde expertise gedurende vele eeuwen is door 11 september 2001 ineens volledig waardeloos geworden. Een existentiële crisis.
Dat kan geen enkele betrouwbaar ingenieursbureau en constructiebedrijf over zijn/haar kant laten gaan.
Vanwaar die oorverdovende STILTE na 11 september 2001.
Nergens staat een kundig artikel van een hoogleraar van de Technische Universiteit Delft om alles even uit te
leggen. Ikzelf als ervaren civiel ingenieur en constructeur kan bijvoorbeeld onmogelijk beredeneren dat het op één dezelfde dag spontaan totaal instorten van de (drie!) enorme stalen torens op enige logica stoelt.
Nu laat Zembla van 10 september 2006 enkele Delftse studenten bouwkunde onder leiding van de Technische
Universiteit, zonder dat ze ook maar enig flauw benul van statica en bouwmechanica hebben, ineens zeggen dat
het spontaan instorten van de TwinTowers zonder meer mogelijk is en wel zonder explosieven zoals thermite en/of thermate(!) en/of een mini fusiebom  
Israël beschikt over een voorraad van 300 tot 500 kg "weapon grade" plutonium uit de reactor Dimona, verkregen
via het Purex  proces. Zie de vondst van Tributyl Fosfaat in het wrak van de El-Al Boeing in de Bijlmer in 1992. Je kunt er van
uitgaan dat dit plutonium is gebruikt voor diverse mysterieuze bomaanslagen in de wereld, die alleen toegeschreven kunnen
worden aan een  fusiebom van extreem kleine afmetingen. De destructie van de twee torens van het World Trade Centrum op
11 september 2001 kan bijna niet anders dan door zo'n fusiebom gerealiseerd worden in samenwerking met chemische
Het is vreemd dat het spontaan instorten van een uit staal opgetrokken gebouw  nooit eerder is gebeurd en in de
8 jaar daarna ook niet. Dit feit op zich, zou je zeggen, is al een sluitend bewijs. Of niet soms?
Hoe kunnen bouwkundige ingenieurs en hoogleraren nog meer voor de gek worden gehouden?

Brand van het bouwkunde gebouw in DELFT dd 13 mei 2008
Het gebouw van
de TU in Delft dat recent afbrandde is niet spontaan ingestort. Het kostte het sloopbedrijf na de langdurige felle brand enorm veel moeite om het zwartgeblakerde beton te slopen.
Het is dus extreem bizar dat uit de koker van de bouwkunde afdeling van de TU in Delft totaal uit de lucht
werd gegrepen dat de Twin Towers alleen na een relatief geringe beschadiging en een beperkte brand
van lage temperatuur totaal in elkaar gestort zijn, terwijl dit TU gebouw de hele dag fel brandde en NIET instortte!
Pancake, waarom niet?
geen 'pancake theory' hier?

Het is bizar en ook nog totaal onwetenschappelijk plus een blamage voor de stand van de Nederlandse technische wetenschappen en een blamage van de TU-DELFT in het bizonder dat er geen technisch-wetenschappelijke verklaring is gepubliceerd door een hoogleraar bouwfysica voor de instorting van de Twintowers terwijl het bouwkunde gebouw gewoon bleef staan! De brand van het bouwkunde - TU-gebouw kan dus gerust door ons beschouwd worden als een straf van God.

Alle technische kennis kan na 11 september 2001 met een gerust hart overboord worden gezet. Er is dus niets verloren gegaan daar in Delft.

In de toekomst worden gebouwen perfect gesloopt  met vliegtuigen? Of door middel van een brandje op
één of andere verdieping?
Ongetwijfeld veel goedkoper en met veel minder risico dan maanden sjouwen met explosieven en detonators.
Waarom is er in Nederland geen enkele constructeur in overheidsdienst of hoge technische ambtenaar die
de politiek tot de orde roept? Moet het fabeltje per sé worden geloofd omdat anders de aanwezigheid van
Nederlandse troepen in Irak en Afghanistan zo verschrikkelijk triviaal is voor de "gewone" vrouw en man?
Kunnen de studenten uit Delft ook verklaren waarom WTC gebouw 7 zo keurig is ingestort?
We kunnen uit talloze ongerijmdheden en videoverslagen veilig concluderen dat in de liftschachten onder
leiding van Marvin Bush (de jonge broer van George) op elke verdieping de kolommen van de Twintowers
een bekleding van thermite zijn aangebracht
Gebouw 7 was DUS aantoonbaar  ook ondermijnd teneinde de bewijslast te vernietigen van de radiografische
besturing van de detonators in de twee torens vanuit de bunker
met vrij uitzicht van de burgemeester van
New York, Guiliani.  Daarom moesten de stalen resten van de torens zo snel mogelijk
worden afgevoerd naar China, om te worden gerecycled.  Uit China zal ook nooit iets worden vernomen
van de fysieke bewijzen die eventueel uit de stalen restanten zouden kunnen worden gehaald.
De niet-fysieke bewijzen zijn overal op het internet te vinden maar de `oude media` zwijgen in alle talen
over deze typische Controlled Demolition of in dit geval Drie Controlled Implosions. Vreemd is dat het
totale Pentagon ook niet is ingestort. Er bestaan films over "Controlled Demolition Incorporated", een firma
gespecialiseerd in het "pullen" van gebouwen die identiek zijn aan de instorting van WTC 1, 2 en 7.
Deze films zijn te zien op National Geographic en Discovery Channel. En nòg zwijgen de media! Er worden
door de media geen pijnlijke vragen gesteld aan de verantwoordelijken binnen de USA regering.
Dom Foulsham was in New York on business on 11 September 2001. He was staying in a Manhattan apartment, just south of the World Trade Center.
The first collapse:
"Despite the fact I was standing on 30 floors of concrete I could still feel the floor shaking. The sound was bizarre: it was like a continuous explosion in some senses, but it also had a strange rhythmic pattern. It was like a train going over tracks - I guess as each of the floors impacted."
Het hele circus van '9/11'  2001 ("new Pearl Harbour") is dus het geplande macabere doodvonnis voor
tienduizenden onschuldige bewoners van New York, Afghanistan en Irak in de wetenschap dat
het merendeel van de mensheid geen weet heeft van de constructieve eigenschappen van een
wolkenkrabber. De USA regering heeft ongestraft 8 jaar lang sprookjes kunnen vertellen aan een domme en
onwetende mensheid in exacte navolging van Josef Goebbels van het Hitler-regime: "als je een
aantoonbare leugen vaak genoeg herhaalt, wordt die door de grote massa altijd op termijn als
waarheid aangenomen, hoe groter de leugen des te meer effect".  Het belangrijkste doel is dus met
dit onwetende en domme merendeel van de mensheid bereikt: het ophitsen van 1 miljard moslims
tegen de rest. Een geniale vondst om met een gefakete moslim-kaping een oneindige oorlog te starten.
Dit is nu precies gebeurd met behulp van de kranten en de tv. Alleen hebben de oplichters zich vergist in de
uitwerking van het internet. Het theaterstuk is doorzien. Vroeg of laat zullen de moslims tot het besef
moeten komen dat zij op een duivelse manier om de tuim zijn geleid. Dit besef kan ook snel komen.
"The Pearl Harbour of the 21st century", ook wel "Bush's Reichstag" genoemd, is zeker ook het doodvonnis
van "onze westerse beschaving", sinds lange tijd moreel en over niet al te lange tijd ook fysiek.

De kleren van de keizer
De meeste nieuwsberichten in de krant en op de tv zijn dus totaal verschillend met wat ik lees en hoor op internet. Daarom denk ik dat binnen niet al te lange tijd òf de kranten worden ingekrompen tot het formaat huis-aan-huisbladen en dat het echte nieuws alleen nog maar te vinden is op het internet tenzij het internet wordt gecensureerd net zoals dat nu gepoogd wordt in China.  Het nieuws in de kranten gaat in de westerse wereld trouwens onafhankelijk van de naderende politiestaat vanzelf steeds meer gecensureerd lijken omdat er door de media overwegend rekening moet worden gehouden met de kijkcijfers, aantallen lezers, advertentieopbrengsten en vooral de aandeelhouders. Al het nieuws wordt entertainment ofwel "fun".
Ikzelf krijg steeds meer de drang om alle kranten maar op te zeggen en alleen nog maar te googelen. Daar vind je nog echte achtergrondartikelen die niet zijn geredigeerd en gecensureerd en waarin alles dat van werkelijk belang is wordt vermeld. Het is daardoor vaak veel minder slaapverwekkend om te lezen.
Voor politici en de liegende pers is het als in het sprookje van Andersen: zij hebben door de transparantie
van het internet geen kleren meer.

5 september 2006

Hans de Jonge


Het beste Engelstalige non-fictie boek over 11 september is
ongetwijfeld dit boek van David Icke:

Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Centre Disaster
De minitieuze zoektocht naar de waarheid achter deze massamoord.     video's:    The Lizards and the Jews
Big Brother, the Big Picture (Hull, July 6th 2008)
Alice In Wonderland And The World Trade Center Disaster

Eric Hufschmid heeft al in 2002 een boek geschreven met serieuze
vragen over de legitimiteit van het USA regiem:
is de US regering té incompetent om de 11 september aanval goed te
Bekijk de verhelderende film van Eric Hufschmid:
Painful Questions - Eric Hufschmidt - An Analysis if the September 11th Attack - WMV file

Het beste Nederlandse non-fictie boek over dit onderwerp is ongetwijfeld van Robin de Ruiter:
George W. Bush en de mythe van al-Quada
Robin de Ruiter ontving voor dit onderzoek de Frontier Award 2005:

De verborgen macht achter de aanslagen van 11 SEPTEMBER 2001
Deze internationale bestseller is vertaald en uitgebracht in meer dan tien landen

Robin de Ruiter

Alex Jones heeft de zoektocht naar de waarheid achter de aanslagen op film gezet en is met
nederlandse ondertiteling te zien op:
American Dictators is a 90+ minute expose chronicling the degeneration of America's political process.
Martial Law:

"Download Loose change without doubt the best movie on the events of 911 here. The filmmaker wants this exposed to everyone. It's free and a top top quality production." Click here to watch Loose Change - 2nd Edition

Richard Heinberg
Richard Heinberg, schrijver van The Oil Depletion Protocol  toont aan dat 9/11 is georganiseerd door  de oliebedrijven om wereldwijd beslag te kunnen leggen op alle grootste oliebronnen.
De plannen waren jaren voor 9/11 gereed.

Peak Oil: Gas Prices, Oil Supply Depletion & The New Energy Crisis: ...

Improbable Collapse : The Demolition Of The American Republic

De beste onderzoeksfilm over 11 september 2001 is met nederlandse ondertiteling te zien op youtube:

Who Killed John O'Neill NL ONDERTITELD
John O'Neill was een eigenwijze anti-terrorisme expert van de FBI . Hij kwam "toevallig" om het
leven bij het instorten van
het World Trade Centrum
OF 11 SEPTEMBER 2001  8/9/06 Tropenmuseum Amsterdam    
op MP3 (het is goed verstaanbaar) Je kan het downloaden op een mp3 speler

David Griffin's Book: The New Pearl Harbor

The New Media sets a new tone - Copyright © 2006 DeepJournal, All rights reserved
What was put on display on 9/11 was intended to bring about a traumatic experience. Any other terrorist would have gone about his work much more efficiently - he wouldn't have flown over a nuclear reactor, but instead right on top of it. He wouldn't have veered his airplane away from the section of the Pentagon where the leadership was situated and then go around and crash into a part that was unoccupied due to recent renovations, so that most of the dead ended up being construction workers. It wouldn't have taken much of a terrorist to take the laws of nature into account and topple the three WTC towers onto the surrounding area in highly concentrated Manhattan for greater effect, instead of arranging a complicated controlled demolition of the buildings directly into their own footprint. Instead of attacking a city's subway system with a 'dirty bomb' for example, the terrorists gave the biggest kid on the block a mere slap in the face - neither astute nor logical. Unless of course the attacks were made for TV and designed only to achieve maximum effect. This effect has also had its influence on the media. So while we have 'appointed' the media to go out and uncover the truth that is kept hidden by influential interests, this same media has positioned itself squarely behind those interests and has thereby neglected its duty, and worse yet, it has done damage to the truth. With the possibilities that the internet offers to a curious public, that public has caught up with the Old Media. Now we're waiting for the street cleaner to cross over the center line. It will do that on it's own, but don't sit around waiting for it. In the meantime stay curious, and stay informed.
See DeepJournal text

In Case I Disappear
    By William Rivers Pitt
    t r u t h o u t | Perspective
    Friday 29 September 2006
 I have been told a thousand times at least, in the years I have spent reporting on the astonishing and repugnant abuses, lies and failures of the Bush administration, to watch my back. "Be careful," people always tell me. "These people are capable of anything. Stay off small planes, make sure you aren't being followed." A running joke between my mother and me is that she has a "safe room" set up for me in her cabin in the woods, in the event I have to flee because of something I wrote or said.
    I always laughed and shook my head whenever I heard this stuff. Extreme paranoia wrapped in the tinfoil of conspiracy, I thought. This is still America, and these Bush fools will soon pass into history, I thought. I am a citizen, and the First Amendment hasn't yet been red-lined, I thought.
    Matters are different now.
    It seems, perhaps, that the people who warned me were not so paranoid. It seems, perhaps, that I was not paranoid enough. Legislation passed by the Republican House and Senate, legislation now marching up to the Republican White House for signature, has shattered a number of bedrock legal protections for suspects, prisoners, and pretty much anyone else George W. Bush deems to be an enemy.
    So much of this legislation is wretched on the surface. Habeas corpus has been suspended for detainees suspected of terrorism or of aiding terrorism, so the Magna Carta-era rule that a person can face his accusers is now gone. Once a suspect has been thrown into prison, he does not have the right to a trial by his peers. Suspects cannot even stand in representation of themselves, another ancient protection, but must accept a military lawyer as their defender.
    Illegally-obtained evidence can be used against suspects, whether that illegal evidence was gathered abroad or right here at home. To my way of thinking, this pretty much eradicates our security in persons, houses, papers, and effects, as stated in the Fourth Amendment, against illegal searches and seizures.
    Speaking of collecting evidence, the torture of suspects and detainees has been broadly protected by this new legislation. While it tries to delineate what is and is not acceptable treatment of detainees, in the end, it gives George W. Bush the final word on what constitutes torture. US officials who use cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment to extract information from detainees are now shielded from prosecution.
    It was two Supreme Court decisions, Hamdi v. Rumsfeld and Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, that compelled the creation of this legislation. The Hamdi decision held that a prisoner has the right of habeas corpus, and can challenge his detention before an impartial judge. The Hamdan decision held that the military commissions set up to try detainees violated both the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the Geneva Conventions.
    In short, the Supreme Court wiped out virtually every legal argument the Bush administration put forth to defend its extraordinary and dangerous behavior. The passage of this legislation came after a scramble by Republicans to paper over the torture and murder of a number of detainees. As columnist Molly Ivins wrote on Wednesday, "Of the over 700 prisoners sent to Gitmo, only 10 have ever been formally charged with anything. Among other things, this bill is a CYA for torture of the innocent that has already taken place."
    It seems almost certain that, at some point, the Supreme Court will hear a case to challenge the legality of this legislation, but even this is questionable. If a detainee is not allowed access to a fair trial or to the evidence against him, how can he bring a legal challenge to a court? The legislation, in anticipation of court challenges like Hamdi and Hamdan, even includes severe restrictions on judicial review over the legislation itself.
    The Republicans in Congress have managed, at the behest of Mr. Bush, to draft a bill that all but erases the judicial branch of the government. Time will tell whether this aspect, along with all the others, will withstand legal challenges. If such a challenge comes, it will take time, and meanwhile there is this bill. All of the above is deplorable on its face, indefensible in a nation that prides itself on Constitutional rights, protections and the rule of law.
    Underneath all this, however, is where the paranoia sets in.
    Underneath all this is the definition of "enemy combatant" that has been established by this legislation. An "enemy combatant" is now no longer just someone captured "during an armed conflict" against our forces. Thanks to this legislation, George W. Bush is now able to designate as an "enemy combatant" anyone who has "purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States."
    Consider that language a moment. "Purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States" is in the eye of the beholder, and this administration has proven itself to be astonishingly impatient with criticism of any kind. The broad powers given to Bush by this legislation allow him to capture, indefinitely detain, and refuse a hearing to any American citizen who speaks out against Iraq or any other part of the so-called "War on Terror."
    If you write a letter to the editor attacking Bush, you could be deemed as purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the United States. If you organize or join a public demonstration against Iraq, or against the administration, the same designation could befall you. One dark-comedy aspect of the legislation is that senators or House members who publicly disagree with Bush, criticize him, or organize investigations into his dealings could be placed under the same designation. In effect, Congress just gave Bush the power to lock them up.
    By writing this essay, I could be deemed an "enemy combatant." It's that simple, and very soon, it will be the law. I always laughed when people told me to be careful. I'm not laughing anymore.
    In case I disappear, remember this. America is an idea, a dream, and that is all. We have borders and armies and citizens and commerce and industry, but all this merely makes us like every other nation on this Earth. What separates us is the idea, the simple idea, that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are our organizing principles. We can think as we please, speak as we please, write as we please, worship as we please, go where we please. We are protected from the kinds of tyranny that inspired our creation as a nation in the first place.
    That was the idea. That was the dream. It may all be over now, but once upon a time, it existed. No good idea ever truly dies. The dream was here, and so was I, and so were you.
    William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books: War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know and The Greatest Sedition Is Silence. His newest book, House of Ill Repute: Reflections on War, Lies, and America's Ravaged Reputation, will be available this winter from PoliPointPress.

Writings of a Finnish military expert


The 9/11 Operation: A Summary

The 9/11 operation consisted of at least the following:

Military exercises by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) with 22 imaginarily hijacked planes on 9/11/2001, before and simultaneously with the 'real' hijackings. Some of the defense interceptors flew to Alaska, as far as possible from the cities that were being attacked.

The 'hijackings' of four civil aircraft and the substitution of all of the planes that really were used on the real flights to remote-controlled ones. It is certain that an operation this complex and heavy in the preparations of the demolitions is not left to be handled by arabs with carpeting knives. Plissken-Valentine or Pearl are well-assumed estimations on how the aircraft operation was performed. Since the part of airplanes hijacked and flown into buildings was critical to the real aims of the operation there must have been a couple of reserve planes for the USAF Boeing 767's and the Global Hawk. Alternatively, the Boeing 757 shot down in Pennsylvania might have been a remote- controlled reserve plane like those.

The booking of seats on certain flights was artificially kept low; those coast-to-coast flights were booked by 20% instead of the usual 75% in order to minimize deaths, which could cause problems. If the flights were real, the passengers on them had to die (or at least disappear). Two of the flights were probably nothing but fictious, real only on radar screens, which minimized the amount of passengers to be murdered.

There was use of put options with airline stocks and with the re-assurance companies related (American Airlines, United Airlines, Allianz, Munchener Re, Schweizer Re, AXA…). Furthermore, the assurance values of the WTC were doubled in July 2001.

The camouflaging of six remote-controlled aircraft in order to make them look like Boeing 767's or 757's. The four planes probably were 2x USAF 767 tankers, a Global Hawk in Pentagon and a 'real' 757 in Pennsylvania.

False tracks leading to 'terrorists' using young moslem looking persons, who take aviation classes in Southern USA and party at night clubs, were created.

The demolition preparations of the wing of the Pentagon that was under reparation. This was supposed to collapse a horseshoe-shaped area of the building, which would seem to be caused by the crash of a Boeing 757 after the Global Hawk attack. This partly failed. There is photographic evidence of a small plane before the actual collapse of the wing of the Pentagon. The structures did not collapse until firefighters sprayed lots of water on the ceiling of the building.

The demolition preparations of the WTC towers and WTC 7 so that it was possible to make them collapse completely. Also the positioning of an electronic homing device in the towers and in Pentagon in order to ensure the accurate hits of the remote-controlled aircraft. Extra napalm for dramatizing the effects of hits of airliners. The WTC buildings could have been exploded down to earth in same way even completely without the airplanes.

Ordering, preparing and transportation of the charges for the demolition of the WTC. Solely for the steel pillars of the outer circle 40 x 240 charges were needed, let's say 10 000 cutting charges each weighing 50 lbs for each tower. For WTC 7 at least 4000 charges were needed. Also at least one small thermonuclear bomb for each of these three buildings.

The locating of critical targets for the conspiracy in the WTC towers. For example, there was a lot of evidence of world-wide economic crimes. The FBI was in WTC 1 in the floors from 22 to 24. (It has been said that one case was the case against Mobil Oil and James Giffen on illegal oil swaps between Iran and Kazakhstan and the evidence in the investigation of gold price fixing stemming from charges brought against Alan Greenspan, Morgan & Company, Goldman Sachs.) It is possible that some targets were attacked because of the unique opportunity exploitable where the human bodies and all evidence of the crimes automatically disappeared when a hydrogen bomb exploded. Explosions heard from the towers before the commencing of the 'collapse' may have been related to these attacks. There is a reason for the huge explosion in the customs building, as well.


1) One needs to find out the right size and the dimensions of suitable cutting charges and then order 24 000 pieces. One must as well order fitting detonators (detonators were needed a lot more). Fitting detonators usually already exist in stores of military forces (or the CIA). Time of delivery is several months in any case. All detonators must be equipped with some kind of safety mechanism, which will be removed by a radio signal at the final moment.

2) After this, the cutting charges are installed in the selected rooms that are not in use. Some of these rooms may as well serve as temporary storages for charges needed elsewhere. After this the apartment is renovated and circulated to the clients in the WTC. One man continuously assembles maybe 5 cutting charges per hour. With 10 assemblers 350 charges are installed a day. As surplus transportations of supplies, renovators and guards. Maybe about 20 people more were needed (5 of them know what is going on, 15 do not). For the installation of the charges this operation takes at least four months with 30 men. Considering step 1), six months are probably needed. The amount of personnel could not have been increased, but probably decreased, if more time was available.

3) To some of the chosen apartments, no one had access. That is why on the weekend on 9/8/2001 and 9/9/2001 it is announced, that floors up from the 40th floor are being equipped with cables and no normal employee has access to the working area there. The installations of explosives are completed and at the same time at least in the charged areas listening devices are set to find out a possible premature discovery of the plan. If someone finds charges the guards are soon on the scene and will deal the situation in one way or another.

4) One completes the area of secret service in WTC 7 so that its demolition operation can be carried out. A military flight beacon is placed there (planes are homing to it from far away). Remote controls for air planes and radio transmitters to be capable of blowing up at least one third of the cutting charges are placed. At this location, the ability to eavesdrop any area of the WTC, for example by a laserbeam, aimed to a selected window, probably already existed.

5) A radio beacon helping the final approach is placed in targeted apartments in the WTC towers. Close to these, remote controlled napalm explosives are placed as well, in order to draw the interest from the planes to fires. The higher in the towers the planes are targeted, the less there will be deaths. (Real terrorists would do exactly the opposite.) Evacuation from lower floors should be possible through the staircases. The target is to create a new reason for odd wars and fascistic laws, not to kill as many Americans as possible. 'A new Pearl Harbor', meaning the death of about 3000 citizens is probably the desired loss of lives.

6) The attack plans are made so that they can be executed during the chaos, for example in the offices of the investigations of the economic crimes by the FBI. (The attackers had already their own men infiltrated in these facilities.) Also in WTC 6 (customs) either a small nuke or a very strong bomb is blown out (which one, depends on whether there was melted steel ponds in the cellar of WTC 6.) An explosion, of course, hides the loss of any supplies (A nuclear explosion covers up murders, as well.)

7) In the morning of 9/11 the operations are performed after a timetable in which seconds are important. From the command post facilities the actions in towers are monitored. To hide the true nature of the operation, there was probably an agent on call in both towers, who could silence the people finding out too much. (The agent probably did not know what was going to happen.)

It is not likely that all the people, who knew about the demolition charges in the WTC, or those who installed the remote controls of the aircraft or did some camouflage paintings for drones are still are alive and capable of telling about their acts, which changed the world.

8) The mini-nukes are transported to the cellar floors in elevators. After that the elevators are locked down, guarded and monitored - no service repairman will be allowed near these elevators. The thermonuclear device used in WTC 7 was different, its yield was set lower and it was directed in a way better suitable for that building.

9) The explosions have been timed so that 99.9% of people around will look at the top of towers, and perhaps two seconds later the small thermonuclear bomb is exploded in the cellar of the south tower, and again two seconds later another very powerful charge in the WTC 6 customs building while nobody is looking that way. There are also the continuous explosions of the thousands of cutting charges tearing the south tower down at the speed of gravity-driven free fall.

10) The demolition of either of the WTC towers took at least half a year to prepare, including installation of 10 000 cutting charges and the delivery of a thermonuclear device at the last moment. The demolition of those ultra strong steel pillars in the central core using cutting charges only is not possible without waking up unwanted attention. These charges must be in touch of the steel pillars, and there is not enough enclosed space in the central core to hide these biggest possible charges.

11) The demolition operation is finished by destroying WTC 7 using a nuke and completely destroying the op center with its equipment. Concrete evidence like the military flight beacon and the remote control devices for cutting charges and napalm as well as the recordings of eavesdropping devices regarding events within the towers vapourize and vanish without a trace.


Most of the media is controlled by people related to the attack and tell misleading stories only, as if crushing of the airliners or a weak fire could have caused the 'collapse' of the towers. The true attackers are the ones with strong and vigorous broadcasting around their false version of the events which is very different to what really happened.

Until these days, no single newspaper, magazine nor a national tv channel in the western nations have taken a critical view on the so-called truth, according to which the planes and fires caused the WTC towers to collapse. The destruction of WTC 7, which has no explanation at all, is bypassed without any comments. A huge bomb, explosed in WTC 6 is also bypassed as a non-existing event.

Some things, like the sharply-drawn pictures of the closest seismographs may have been falsified. A Specialist in demolitions, V. Romero, may have been forced to change his original statement. The hoax is completed by Osama Bin Laden, who as a CIA agent 'confesses' to have ordered the airliner strikes. The Bin Laden hoax and the suicidal arabs construct a net of lies that catches the most of the mankind.

Laymen have no experience in observing differences in collapses, controlled demolitions and underground nuclear demolitions. Even the destruction of heavy steel constructions or a typical fire damage are far away from their field of experience. These towers were build to take the impacts of hitting Boeing 707's, comparable to Boeing 767's, taking into account the fires caused by the aviation fuel. And the buildings did survive well all that.

The knowledge of relevant advances regarding weapon technology is even rarer. Many of those who are up to date are bound by strict commitment of loyality – that is vigorously looked after. In some cases, they get executed (an 'accident' occurs).

The author of this text feels as his duty to spread mainly the advanced knowledge in explosives from a military point of view in public discussion as it is obvious that lacking this information the events observed around 9/11 cannot be explained.

The photographs attached in this non-profit distribution are for securing volatile, important evidence on 9/11 for discussion and education. Author hereby grants full permission to reproduce the drawing 'The Bombs in the WTC' and his writings. You are encouraged to mail, publish and mass produce these documents or your enhanced versions of them.


American Dictators: Documenting the Staged Election of 2004

BBC Reporter Greg Palast: "Alex Jones is a national treasure, a light breaking through the electronic Berlin Wall of the US media establishment."

American Dictators is a 90+ minute expose chronicling the degeneration of America's political process. Alex Jones rips away layer after layer of the false left-right paradigm and finally reveals the 2004 election for what it is -- stage managed theater that would make Shakespeare proud.

American Dictators details:

  • That Bush and Kerry are closely related on both sides of their families,
  • That Bush the Skull and Kerry the Bone have both sworn an oath to a secret society with deep connections to organized crime, intelligence agencies, and the occult.
  • That the "Order of Death" known as Skull and Bones has its members at the highest levels of every sector of the US economy -- from banking to government.

Jones travels back to the elite encampment in Northern California, the Bohemian Grove where he infiltrated and got the only video footage of the bizarre rituals conducted by the bushes and others.

American Dictators shows that while Bush and Kerry spout different rhetoric their actions are almost identical. The film also takes a revealing look at Ralph Nader, the dark horse would-be political spoiler of '04.

Alex Jones takes you to the front lines of the fight against the expanding Police State: the new Super-Patriot Act and National ID Card, as well as some of the newest and most shocking revelations surrounding the September 11th cover-up.

American Dictators is a must-see for anyone who wants to know the truth concerning how the global elite has hijacked both parties and is giving the American people a false choice. By exposing this rigged game where the global mob owns all the horses, American Dictators is able to unlock minds so then freedom loving individuals can decipher the mainstream media propaganda for what it is: a Military-Industrial complex operation.

"Long after the election of 2004 is over, American Dictators will be just as pertinent to current events as when we first released it, because it exposes the fraudulent system itself - a system that continues to repeat the same tricks over and over again. American Dictators exposes the scam." -- Alex Jones

DeepJournal, Media, 9/11  |  22 August 2006  |     mail this article   |   
Why the media ignored 9/11
Part 1 of 2
[Part 2] By Daan de Wit
The official theory regarding the events of September 11th is a bad conspiracy theory. It's a shaky theory any way you look at it, it even runs counter to some laws of nature, and it relies entirely on the shock effect felt by the public, and in turn the media, for its success. Sometimes journalists are just people. They also felt the shock of 9/11, and they also went along with the Bush administration's flimsy theory. This consensus over what the truth is behind September 11th falls within a familiar pattern. According to this pattern, during the first few hours following a sudden, large-scale incident, there is a totally free press. What then follows is general agreement. Meanwhile five years have gone by, and the Old Media are lagging behind the facts that are being presented by the New Media.

The Dutch in the original article has been translated into English by Ben Kearney.
Looking back we can see that the Old Media also followed the pattern on September 11th - on the day itself the spirit of journalism was alive and well, and everything under the sun was freely reported. Explosions in the WTC were reported by the major television networks. In an overview of the day, the major Dutch newspaper Trouw wrote: '09:58 Huge explosion underneath the WTC'; anchor Peter Jennings explains [WMV] on live television that during a controlled demolition explosions have to take place at the bottom of the building; another anchorman, Dan Rather, compares [MPG] the collapse of WTC7 to a controlled demolition; CNN is basically reporting that no evidence exists to suggest that an airplane crashed into the Pentagon, and FOX is saying that the only thing you can see in Pennsylvania is a hole in the ground. The consensus that Bin Laden was responsible for the attacks didn't evolve quite so organically though.

Even though the attack apparently was a huge surprise, President Bush was nevertheless quick to unravel the mystery, including the use of photos: Osama bin Laden and his 19 thieves had managed to surprise the U.S., and now it was time for revenge. The much-anticipated "father to the country", one who would provide comfort in a time of crisis and would call for the biggest CSI in the history of mankind, never showed up. No Crime Scene Investigation ever took place because all of the debris was immediately hauled away and sold to China as scrap metal, and while everyone was seeking consolation, Bush spoke of vengeance. Following Bush's revelation, the facts were adapted to fit the fiction - the explosions that were heard were hushed up along with the many other impossibilities, like the vaporizing of the airplanes in the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania, and inconsistencies such as the pools of melted steel at the bottom of the WTC towers, the free fall of WTC7 and, well, all the other facts that the internet is flush with.

Old Media caught in trap of patriotism
The spontaneous expression of straightforward reporting on September 11th was limited to the first part of the day, and wasn't used as a model for further investigation. Further investigation was not necessary now that President Bush had made it clear who the culprits were and that punishment now had to be handed out. It would have been unpatriotic to oppose the integrity of the stricken Bush administration. Everyone had to come together and put their shoulders to the wheel. The media worked in tandem with the neocons on the response, apparently out of sheer love of country. Objectively speaking, this lack of criticism was appalling. In the meantime The New York Times has already issued a mea culpa concerning their negligent coverage of the non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. That apology wouldn't have been necessary if cooler heads had prevailed and the journalistic work had been done right, such as it was by journalists from the New Media, whose activities since September 11th have taken flight. What was the reason for this - why did they keep a cool head and why did the Old Media trail so far behind in their coverage of all the things that don't add up regarding the events on and around 9/11 (and the lies during the lead-up to the Iraq war)? There are several reasons to be pointed out here.

Journalists from the New Media are internet savvy
The Old Media - newspapers, television, radio, also known as the Mainstream Media - are the dominant media of old. They've set the tone for September 11th by going along with the official theory of the attacks. Alternative views of 9/11 thrive primarily on and thanks to the internet - that is where it began. That this has largely passed up the Old Media is due to the fact that so many journalists from the Old Media are not very well-versed in the internet. Even I date back to the generation that learned to type on typewriters. Once classes were done for the day at the School of Journalism, I wrote my articles on typewriters that were screwed into tables in the corridor. Later on I bought my first computer of 12MHz; I purchased the computer that I'm writing this article on at the same store, but it's about 2500 times as fast. At the time that I graduated in 1995, there was just one computer at school with internet access - you had to make an appointment to be allowed to use the internet. Many somewhat older journalists have never really made a complete transition to the new media. The internet, which is the greatest source of information and which has brought about an information revolution, has for the most part passed them by. They don't actually take the medium seriously because they're not very familiar with it. The most reliable example of this for me is my father of 68 years. During his entire working life he has switched back and forth between being a journalist and doing public relations, and just recently has started using email, but has made and continues to make no use of the internet for his research. He and his colleagues are internet-handicapped.

The independence of the internet journalist
In a review of among others a book by journalist Greg Palast, the NRC Handelsblad (considered the most important Dutch newspaper) writes on August 18th: 'In the American media landscape, loyalty and docility dominate. The lice in the fur have emigrated to the internet. The noble tradition of the American muckrakers is not dead, it is alive and well. That's the good news. The bad news is that the work of these people has been pushed to the margins of American journalism, and sometimes must even be sent abroad to be published or printed. You can still write as controversially as you please in America. It's just that it's becoming extremely difficult to bring it to the attention of Americans'.
The lonely internet journalist has nothing to do with anything or anyone. This puts a distance between the journalist and the powers that be, which makes it possible to think - and above all to act - more objectively than for example a journalist with The New York Times or NBC. These kinds of organizations function at the top on the same level as that of other elites, such as that of the governing elite. The effects of this association trickle down to the lower echelons. The independence of the internet journalist translates into the freedom to not have to maintain friendly relationships, which is necessary in the world of the major media so as to be able to come knocking again for news the next time. Journalists who are not beholden to this, and who also have no sympathy for it, are in a better position to act in the spirit of true journalism. At times they stumble over their own amateurism or gullibility, but the better ones among them leave professional journalism in their wake. Mike Ruppert and Alex Jones are examples of this. If you on the other hand practice establishment journalism - traveling in closed quarters and being dependent upon those who supply you with news - then your possibilities are limited. At that point there is actually only one way to go, and that is to follow what the news dictates. The logical result of all these limitations is that RTL-Nieuws and NOS-Journaal (the only two serious Dutch daily news programs) end up being as similar to each other as two drops of water, and at the same time it has almost become a standard career move to go from being a news program journalist to a pr-person for a politician or administration spokesperson.

Not only have the major media blundered in their journalistic duty regarding 9/11, but they have also misjudged internet journalism. Internet journalists were looked down upon. In most cases they didn't have the benefit of journalistic training, and were unable to draw from the network, knowledge and tradition of a large medium such as a newspaper or a TV station. But what was forgotten were the enormous resources that the modern independent reporter has at his disposal due to the ever-increasing power of search engines and the sources from which they can pull their results. This was first recognized when the major media discovered the blogs, started blogging themselves, and then created a way for readers to start blogging, such as the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant for example. In addition to the search potential of the internet, which in theory can place an article by an internet journalist in the top ten results of a Google search directly above or below that of a reporter from a renowned media outlet, internet journalists can also express themselves in audio and video thanks to technology that is becoming cheaper all the time. For a small amount of money you can record an interview on an mp3 player, or make a video that you can then put online for nothing and share with the world. A 22 year-old man from a small town in the U.S. reached millions of people with the 9/11 documentary Loose Change, which he produced in his free time on his laptop. There are a lot of internet journalists
The medium is the masses. There are a lot of internet journalists. Not all journalists on the internet make good contributions. But ultimately the best information and the best journalists rise to the top, due to the often harsh critique found on all sorts of blogs and internet forums. An essential component of this "survival of the fittest" is mentioning your source. As a New Media journalist, if you are going to assert the exact opposite of what can be read in the Old Media, you'd better have a number of good sources at the ready, if you at the very least want to survive and compete with the Mainstream Media. Then again, if you're satisfied with your little corner of Cyberspace and you focus on a none-too-critical readership, then you can have yourself a ball, but you'll find yourself on another playing field. If you want to play with the big boys, then you'll have to play by the rules of the game. Many of the internet journalists who write about September 11th abide by these rules.
It looks as if the people who organized September 11th come from the old school and have miscalculated the immensity of internet journalism. Looked at objectively, the time in which everything was broadcast in black and white, when investigation per se was old-fashioned detective work - the time of JFK for instance - is really not that long ago, but in the public consciousness it's ancient history. Everything is moving faster now, and large groups of people have access to information that they can process and in turn offer to other large groups of people. Not everyone is going to be happy with this. It is essential to actively protect this achievement.

Media not always so honest and independent
In the documentary The Myth of the Liberal Media, Professor Noam Chomsky, among others, demonstrates with hard data that the media is by no means as fair and balanced as you'd like to assume. For example, many more supporters of the Iraq war found their way onto American television than did opponents of that war. As the documentary makes clear, research also indicates that certain views by the current administration regarding the spending of public funds are conveyed via the use of specific angles toward the story, as well as by emphasizing some information while omitting still other information. For the media consumer, it's like watching the end of an American TV show at the moment when both of the lawyers get to make their arguments, but instead he only gets to hear one of the lawyers make his case, and thus can only nod in agreement with that argument. Concrete examples are cited in the documentary concerning the discrepancy between the coverage of revised health care policy, which the media suggests will increase the quality of health care, and the actual practice of overhauling health care, in which the quality actually decreases, just like social programs that in practice become much less social in reality. If these kinds of practices of selective omission and emphasis are employed on a large scale, i.e. by the majority of the media, then there are sure to be repercussions. Not everyone reads the thick reports containing all the precise details, not everyone watches documentaries in which fact is separated from fiction. If the masses are supplied with erroneous information or half-truths from the mass media, then the results are bound to be felt. It's for this reason that the media's responsibility is so huge, and because of this it's so wrong if they don't take that responsibility, as was the case for instance with September 11th.

Old Media coverage one-sided
If you hear one specific message coming from all directions, then another message that deviates from that will be received with skepticism. The message that deviates is by definition suspect, regardless of how true it is. This effect was once studied in a university experiment in which a group of students were asked to give their opinion on the dimensions of a number of shapes that were shown to them. One of the students in the group is unaware that all of the other students have agreed to say the exact opposite of what the facts support, namely that the one line in the picture is longer than the other. In many cases the student who is ignorant of this scheme conforms to the actions of the group. In other words, the dominant opinion becomes the truth, even though it is neither the truth per se nor is it believable, as unbelievable for instance as 19 hijackers getting all the time they need to attack the U.S. - a country in which more than half of the budget goes to defense - even though they are barely qualified to fly, yet still manage to hit the Pentagon while executing a 500mph diving u-turn without damaging the grass, and for the first time in history are able to cause three steel-frame buildings to collapse (whereby it should be noted that WTC7 was not once hit by anything, but nevertheless collapsed vertically at the speed of gravity). That's just one example. The Old Media has ignored these kinds of facts the past few years, but they've been picked up by the New Media.

The increased attention for the subject of September 11th has been discernible, and has reverberated with the Old Media. But it's a world turned upside-down, for this is a media that is reacting to what has been discovered by the public. The media has been roused by the public and sees that the train has already left the station, full of people who have done their own investigating, independent of the failing media. The reports that can now be seen in the media are in general factual statements concerning a phenomenon that you could call the 9/11 awakening, like the article in Vanity Fair on the producers of Loose Change or the Telegraaf (Netherlands) article on a 9/11 conference in Los Angeles. Sometimes the articles are a little bit biased, such as an article in The New York Times in which an obviously negative connotation was used, and sometimes the articles are flat-out intended to discredit the subject entirely, like the Volkskrant (Netherlands) which reported on a conference in Amsterdam, and like HP/De Tijd (Netherlands) in this month's cover story entitled Conspiracy Thinkers. The Belgian magazine HUMO, which is known for its excellent journalism in both form and content, was disappointing in its neglect of the 9/11 subject before making the announcement that Canvas (Belgian TV) would be broadcasting the film Loose Change in the third week of August 2006. When writing the article the writer of the HUMO article was clearly in an emotional state in which so many of his colleagues are now also finding themselves: not being willing or able to believe that what transpired on 9/11 is different than what he thought, but realizing full well that the evidence is nonetheless awfully persuasive. His solution was to make mention of the evidence, but then to place unsubstantiated criticism opposite that evidence.

Welcome to 19841

When Bush and the Republican Senate blocked the fully funded Iraq troop bill containing a withdrawal timetable, THEY were the ones not supporting our troops. The submission of the Democrats on this and the failure of the media to point it out, the Democrat's failure to impeach Bush over the falsified evidence leading to the war and other high crimes and misdemeanors far worse that Clinton's sex scandal, their failure to impeach2 Gonzales, their failure to investigate and prosecute the vote fraud in the last two presidential elections, the quick concession of the last two presidential elections by Gore and then Kerry (a Skull and Bones member) when the exit polls all showed that they won, and the Democrat's acceptance of the obviously flawed congressional 9/11 investigation clearly shows that the Democratic “opposition” is fake, designed to fail, that they and the media are controlled by our real rulers who are never seen.

No objective person can look at the absence of wreckage at the Pentagon and the WTC building 7 collapse and not know something is terribly wrong with the official story. Without doubt, the leadership and many members of the main stream media3, Democrats, Republicans, FBI, CIA, MI6, Mossad, the Israeli, British, Russian, European, and Asian governments know the truth or are involved in the September 11, 2001 attack. Not even Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Iran, or leftist media will devote time and resources to expose the lies.

“9/11” is neither the first nor an isolated incident, just “their” latest contemptuous slapping of our faces to keep us shocked and in line.

What then do we do? Fight on, sacrificing all? How? The protests are under-reported and ignored. The elections are rigged. Violence will only give them the excuse they want for martial law.  

Help those that are near you bear the pain and prepare for the disasters that are coming for “they” will not give up or stop here. There will be more “terrorist” attacks, some blamed on Iran, to justify attacking Iran, staying in Iraq, and war without end.

This site remains up for those who want to know. I have given up. I no longer answer email, give away DVD’s, or support the $1,000,000 challenge (which no NIST, FEMA, or other credible engineer or scientist has dared to accept). Good luck to all. It will not be a good night.


Jimmy Walter


[1] "1984" Novel where terrorist attacks and wars are orchestrated by world governments to terrorize the people into supporting the industrial-military-government complex.

[2] "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." - Article 2, Section 4, US Constitution

[3] Wikipedia libeled me, refused to let me change it, and fully supports the official lies on 9/11. No mainstream media or the leftist press will mention my $1,000,000 challenge. libeled me and sabotaged my efforts.

[4] Marita Lorenz testified that an assassination caravan drove from Miami to Dallas arriving on November 21st 1963 and placed E. Howard Hunt (CIA) at the motel where the conspirators were staying, giving them a sum of money.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Lenin

Aftermath News

Independent Post-9/11 News 

Posted by: pjwalker911 | 31st May, 2007

Bilderberg Club - the Mother of all Secret Societies

Daniel Estulin | May 31, 2007

I disagree with Estulin saying that the Bilderbergers started off with noble intentions or that these people are not so evil. If you are mostly evil, then you are evil. If you are mostly a traitor, then you are a traitor. That is how it works. It’s like saying they are just a bunch of old chums sitting around playing tiddly winks and discussing politics and sports over a few martinis. That is how the Bilderbergers portray their meetings to those who inquire, but of course, like everything they say in public, the reality is completely the opposite.

The purpose from the very beginning was to centralize control of the entire world by a handful of old-money banking elites, industrialists, Masons, Nazis and Royalty. They have planned to consolidate the world’s wealth into their hands, cull the world population (not starting with themselves of course), microchip and track everybody, set up a Trilateral global dictatorship, destroy national sovereignties and human rights (as we see every government doing today) and launch a phony perpetual war based on staged psychological operations to justify it all. Thus all the chaos, death and destruction we have seen is the direct result of policies they have handed down to the major world power puppets.

This plan for world domination did not just start in 1954. The elite have been at war with the common people since the beginning of time and carefully maintain their bloodlines going back for hundreds, if not thousands of years. This is how they rationalize their “right to rule”, believing they are superior to others and therefore can do whatever they want to us. Didn’t you ever wonder why there are still kings and queens in the 21st century? It’s called neofeudalism folks, and it is staring you right in the face, ready to devour you. Evil loves power, seeks it out and it is never satisfied with a little power. They want it ALL.

It is an age-old drama we see unfolding. Look at their faces, into their eyes. Behind the smiling mask, you can detect something utterly inhuman and foreign, removed from the lives of ordinary people. That is the face of unfettered evil as it is now, and as it has ever been.


In 1954, the most powerful men in the world met for the first time under the auspices of the Dutch royal crown and the Rockefeller family in the luxurious Hotel Bilderberg of the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek. For an entire weekend, they debated the future of the world. When it was over, they decided to meet once every year to exchange ideas and analyze international affairs. They named themselves the Bilderberg Club. Since then, they have gathered yearly in a luxurious hotel somewhere in the world to decide the future of humanity. Among the select members of this club are Bill Clinton, Paul Wolfowitz, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Toni Blair and many other heads of government, businessmen, politicians, bankers and journalists from all over the world.

Nevertheless, in the more than fifty years of their meetings, the press has never been allowed to attend, no statements have ever been released on the attendees’ conclusions, nor has any agenda for a Bilderberg meeting been made public. Leaders of the Bilderberg Club argue that this discretion is necessary to allow participants in the debates to speak freely without being on record or reported publicly. Otherwise, Bilderbergers claim, they would be forced to speak in the language of a press release. Doubtlessly, this discretion allows the Bilderberg Club to deliberate more freely, but that does not respond to the fundamental question: What do the world’s most powerful people talk about in these meetings? 

Any modern democratic system protects the right to privacy, but doesn’t the public have a right to know what their political leaders are talking about when they meet the wealthiest business leaders of their respective countries? What guarantees do citizens have that the Bilderberg Club isn’t a centre for influence trafficking and lobbying if they aren’t allowed to know what their representatives talk about at the Club’s secret gatherings? Why are the Davos World Economic Forum and G8 meetings carried in every newspaper, given front page coverage, with thousands of journalists in attendance, while no one covers Bilderberg Club meetings even though they are annually attended by Presidents of the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, Federal Reserve, chairmen of 100 most powerful corporations in the world such as DaimlerChrysler, Coca Cola, British Petroleum, Chase Manhattan Bank, American Express, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Vice Presidents of the United States, Directors of the CIA and the FBI, General Secretaries of NATO, American Senators and members of Congress, European Prime Ministers and leaders of opposition parties, top editors and CEOs of the leading newspapers in the world. It is surprising that no mainstream media outlets consider a gathering of such figures, whose wealth far exceeds the combined wealth of all United States citizens, to be newsworthy when a trip by any one of them on their own makes headline news on TV.

These are the questions I have asked myself.  Fourteen years ago they set me on an investigative journey that has become my life’s work. Slowly, one by one, I have penetrated the layers of secrecy surrounding the Bilderberg Club, but I could not have done this without the help of “conscientious objectors” from inside as well as outside the club’s membership. To them, I extend my deepest gratitude, for their priceless intelligence has made this book possible. You can understand then, to protect them, I cannot mention these true heroes by name: Only thank them for helping me find out what was being said behind the closed doors of the opulent hotels where the Bilderbergers hold their annual meetings.

Before we enter the realm of this exclusive club, it is important to recognize that neither people nor organizations are absolutely “evil,” just as no one is absolutely “good.” There are powerful people in the world guided by higher ideals, principles and beliefs than the manipulative secret club and its spin offs I describe in this book. Even within it, the efforts of the original members to better our world were based on a “father-knows-best” autocracy similar to the Roman Catholic’s paternalistic control of Christianity. Their intent was noble, at first.

Unfortunately, the Bilderberg Club has grown beyond its idealistic beginnings to become a shadow world government, which decides in total secrecy at annual meetings how their plans are to be carried out. They threaten to take away our right to direct our own destinies. And it is becoming easier because the development of telecommunication technology, together with profound present-day knowledge and new methods of behaviour engineering to manipulate individual conduct convert what, at other epochs of history, were only evil intentions into a disturbing reality. Each new measure, viewed on its own, may seem an aberration, but a whole host of changes, as part of an ongoing continuum, constitutes a shift towards total enslavement.

In this uncertain near future, people feel there is something evil lurking in the darkness. Waiting to pounce. Biding its time. We can feel its chilling presence. Most people would like to ignore it, but they no longer can. This “something” has slowly and stealthily forced itself into our conscious awareness and our collective psyche. It is our job to show the reader what this “something” is and disclose its terrible apocalyptical plans.

However, on a world level, there is a general awakening taking place as people are beginning to hold mirrors up to their irrationality; this awakening is beginning to empower our collective learning and understanding. You see, we have been told that world events are too difficult to understand for a lay person. They lied! We have been told that national secrets must be zealously protected. Indeed, they must! No government wishes for its citizens to discover that its best and brightest deal drugs, participate in massive pillaging of the planet, kidnappings and assassinations. On the pages of, we do it for them. But there is hope. In almost every corner of the planet, stress points are beginning to fracture. And people are beginning to take sides. Governments, from now on, better be afraid of their people.

This is why it is time to look behind the scenes and try to find the man behind the curtain. We are at a crossroads. And the roads we take from here will determine the very future of humanity. We have to wake up to the true objectives and actions of the Bilderberg Club and its parallel kin if we hope to retain the freedoms fought for by our grandfathers in the Second World War.

Finally, I would like to truly acknowledge the help of all those brave and wonderful people who over the years have given us so much for so little. The list of collaborators, independent researchers, in and out of government sources, private investigators, US Army, Navy and Air Force analysts, Spanish Generals, cooks, chefs, bellboys, cleaning persons, waiters and waitresses at Bilderberger hotels, who have full-heartedly given of their energies and time, overlooking the dangers that such meetings could cause them is simply too long to mention on these pages, or rather our pages, because I am the vehicle of the collective psyche of a society whose natural instinct spells FREEDOM.

I extend my sincerest and deeply felt gratitude to numerous members of international secret service agencies in Washington, London, Moscow, Madrid, Paris, Caracas and Ottawa, whose inside knowledge on intelligence issues and wisdom often kept my spirits up in the darkest of hours. Without their priceless intelligence gathering, this book would have forever remained an unrealisable dream.

Special thanks go out to Canada, my country, who gave our family home and hope for a better future without asking for anything in return. I have repaid that debt of gratitude in 1996 when I uncovered Bilderberger diabolical plans for Canada’s break up. My love goes out to Canada’s wonderful and decent and freedom loving people who that fateful year answered my desperate plea for help by taking to the streets en masse to resoundingly destroy Bilderberger hopes of silently breaking Canada up. When I need uplifting, I think of these people and in their faith in the goodness of Men.

I dedicate this book to all those who have never stopped searching for the truth, in the face of government lies, cheating, manipulation and deceit. To those who have intuitively felt that blasphemous lies we are told are but a vile whiff of hatred. All these people deserve to know the truth about our history and heritage.

History teaches by analogy, not identity. The historical experience is not one of staying in the present and looking back. Rather it is one of going back into the past and returning to the present with a wider and more intense consciousness of the restrictions of our former outlook.

This is far from over.

Mankind is yet to pass a final judgement. Miracles, as someone said, can happen without our permission. The fact that we are here, doing what we do, is a living proof of that.

Daniel Estulin
May 31, 2007

Boek over Bilderbergconferentie geeft niet veel helderheid behalve persoonsnamen
van "Bilderberg" mensen die nu de lakens uitdelen in de Nederlandse overheid.

Operation Pearl

by A. K. Dewdney

“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.”
- Rebuilding America’s Defenses, Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

1 Summary

It is always physically and logistically possible to produce the appearance of a terrorist attack by means that do not employ terrorists, as such. This general principle by no means implies that all terrorist attacks are bogus, only that with appropriate resources, any such attack can be simulated. I will illustrate the principle by laying out a scenario that employs three major elements of deception to simulate the attacks of September 11, 2001.

The first element, called a radar swap, involves in-the-air substitution of one aircraft for another, particularly when the transponders of the aircraft are turned off. The second element employs remote control technology to guide aircraft that have been prepared in advance to fly into pre-designated targets. The third element combines telephonic voice mimicry with a few items of personal intelligence about the caller being simulated. The last element has been explored elsewhere. (Dewdney 2004)

The scenario explored here, called Operation Pearl, has been described in sufficient operational detail that sound judgments can be made about a) feasibility and b) consistency with evidence on the ground. At the time of this writing it is probably the best available description of what probably took place on September 11, 2001.

Under the Operation Pearl scenario, the passengers of one of the flights died in an aerial explosion over Shanksville, PA and the remaining passengers (and aircraft) were disposed of in the Atlantic Ocean.

2 Introduction

Criminal investigations, forensic examinations, scientific inquiries and other attempts to get at the truth of a matter all share the same general procedure, if they are to be successful. The procedure invariably involves the construction of models or scenarios to account for observations and physical facts. Scenarios that are not consistent with facts must be rejected and new ones constructed. The method can even be applied to stage magic. The magician’s scenario explains the matter easily and simply. It’s magic! This scenario is accepted by gullible people but rejected by realists. Given that elephants do not materialize by magic, we seek another explanation. The explanation may involve simple sleight-of-hand or it may involve quite elaborate stage machinery. When chicanery is involved, Occam’s razor must be wielded with extreme care. (See Note #1.)

To account for the events of September 11, 2001, the Bush White House has produced a scenario involving Arab hijackers flying large aircraft into American landmarks. We, like millions of other 911 skeptics, have found this explanation to be inconsistent with the facts of the matter. (See later.) Consequently, some of us have gone the extra step of constructing a scenario that fits the facts better. We have cast about for ideas, potential doorways to what really happened.

Since March of 2002, persons probing the web for further information about the 9/11 attacks could not fail to encounter, sooner or later, a scenario sketched by Carol Valentine. Called the “Flight of the Bumble Planes” (Valentine 2002), it allegedly came from an informant who would only identify himself as “Snake Plisskin,” the name of the hero of the movie, Escape from New York. The informant outlined the basic hijacking method in an email message to Carol Valentine, comparing it to a flight of bumble bees. Watching bees as they buzz around among flowers, it is very difficult to follow individual bees, since they are always passing close to one another.

The metaphor translates into the flight of two aircraft in a confined locale of airspace. If the separation between them is small enough, radar operators will see not two aircraft, but one. On the morning of September 11, 2001, according to the bumble planes scenario, all four “hijacked” aircraft landed at a single airport or air base, transferring passengers to one aircraft, the one that crashed in Shanksville, PA. The scenario, as presented by Valentine, consists of little more than this.

The Operation Pearl scenario adds enough detail to the Valentine scenario to make a feasibility check possible. At the same time, it allows for other disposal methods, including burial at sea. Specifically, Operation Pearl examines the possibility that passengers from three of the hijacked aircraft were placed aboard a single aircraft and were then flown out to sea.

Of course, there is a vast difference between a mere outline and a detailed operational plan. It may turn out, for example, that any attempt to imagine how a specific scheme is implemented runs into snags, as in the attempt by Spencer (2003) to get all four aircraft to one air base long enough for the combined list of over 200 passengers to board a single aircraft, take off and crash near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Spencer, however, assumed that the takedown of aircraft coincided with the turning off of transponders. The previous release of the Operation Pearl scenario modified Spencer’s assumption to allow takedown prior to the turning off of transponders. There was, it appears, just enough time to effect the transfer while decoy aircraft flew the lengthy routes noted by the White House (and everyone else). Unfortunately, a closer examination of the facts revealed a ten-minute discrepancy between the loss of contact with Flight UA175, as recorded in a transcript of radio traffic that morning, and the time given in major media. Taking the New York Air Traffic Control (ATC) transcript as authoritative, the transfer operation that was indicated by Valentine and explored by Spencer, as well as the previous release of Operation Pearl became untenable.

A new fact emerged at this point, the landing of a mystery aircraft at Cleveland Hopkins Airport while it was closed and evacuated for an hour on the morning of September 11. This fact suggested, without directly implying, that the passengers may have been rearranged into two aircraft, instead of just one. The Operation Pearl scenario has now been completed to a level of detail that makes it possible to evaluate its feasibility, as well as its consistency with the all evidence on the ground, including the Cleveland “mystery aircraft.”

3 The Evidence Filter

Any scenario constructed to account for the events of September 11 2001 must pass a graduated test, as embodied in the following items. These fall into three classes:

Suspicious circumstances

1. At least four of the named hijackers were not in the United States.
(BBC 2002)
2. The WTC towers collapsed without adequate heat stress.
(Huffschmid 2002)
3. Most of the alleged hijackers were incompetant-to-poor pilots.
(Goldstein et al. 2001)
4. Evidence of the alleged hijackers developed too quickly.


1. The US Air Force failed to intercept any of the flights.
(FAA 1998) (FAA 2001)
2. The hijackers’ names did not show up on passenger lists.
(CNN, 2001) (WRH, 2001) (IIIEb 2001)
3. The hijackers’ faces did not appear on boarding gate videos.
4. Black boxes were missing from all but one flight.
5, Two of the aircraft, Flights UA93 and AA77 took long westward
excursions before turning around and proceeding to their
targets. (USA Today 2001)


1. The Pentagon was not struck by a large passenger aircraft.
(Meyssan 2001) (Holmgren 2002) (Dewdney 2003a)
2. Cellphone calls alleged to have been made by passengers were
essentially impossible. (Dewdney 2004)

A successful scenario must at least explain the contradictions and account for a majority of the anomalies. It is of course desirable that it also account for the suspicious circumstances, but no scenario need stand or fall in this regard.

It must be remarked that the only scenario ever supplied to the public via the official media was the Bush-Cheney scenario, that Arab hijackers seized control of the four aircraft and proceeded to pilot them into national landmarks, killing both themselves and their passengers. Clearly, the Bush-Cheney scenario, considered in detail, explains none of the suspicious circumstances, none of the anomalies and is directly contradicted by the facts adduced in the third category. As scenarios go, it is a distinct failure.

4 Technical Elements

The two major technical aspects of the Operation Pearl scenario involve radar and remote control. Radar technology has been with us since World War Two, some 60 years ago. Remote control technology has been around in various forms for at least twenty years. With a basic understanding of both radar and remote control in relation to 9/11, it becomes possible for the average citizen to think for himself or herself.

4.1 Radar Substitution

A radar screen is essentially a cathode ray tube, like a television screen, that displays aircraft within the circular airspace represented on the screen. Radar operators are the only people who can be directly aware of which aircraft are presently in the sky and where they are going. The vast majority of people are completely unaware of such details and, when an aircraft passes overhead, can usually not tell one type from another, let alone what airline or aviation company may own it. This observation, while something of a commonplace, has important implications. If an organization wishes to substitute one aircraft for another without anyone knowing it, the only people it has to deceive are the radar operators.

The resolution of a radar screen is the size of the smallest point that can appear there, approximately two millimeters in diameter - a “blip.” A typical radar screen, less than a meter in diameter, could therefore be described as less than 500 “blips” wide. If the airspace represented on the screen were 500 kilometers in diameter (approximately 300 miles, a not atypical size), each blip would represent a piece of airspace that is more than 500/500 = 1 kilometer wide.

In other words, as soon as two aircraft get within a kilometer of one another, there would be a tendency for their respective blips to merge. With half a kilometer separation or less, the two aircraft could easily appear as one.

Of course, two aircraft that are that close together run a certain risk of collision - unless they are at different altitudes. Radar screens are two-dimensional in that they represent airspace in the same way as a map does, with the vertical dimension of altitude suppressed. Thus, without additional information in the form of a displayed altitude number, it is impossible for a radar operator to tell whether two merged blips represent a potential collision or not. Altitude information is displayed if an aircraft’s transponder is turned on, otherwise, the radar operator has no idea of the altitude at which an aircraft happens to be flying.

If one aircraft happens to be within a half kilometer of another, above it, below it, or even behind it, the radar operator will see only one aircraft, as long as the two maintain a horizontal (plan view) separation that is no greater than half a kilometer (about 500 yards).

Imagine now two aircraft, both headed for the same approximate point on the radar screen, both with their transponders turned off. One is well above the other but, as the blips merge, both planes swerve, each taking the other’s former direction. The operator would simply see the aircraft cross and would have no way to realize that a swap had taken place.

There are many other swapping patterns available. For example, one plane could apparently catch up and “pass” another when, in fact, it slowed after the blips merged, even as the other speeded up.

Another method involves the replacement aircraft climbing out of a valley where it would be invisible to distant radars, even as the other aircraft descended into the valley. Again, a radar operator would see a more or less seamless flight without realizing that he or she had been momentarily seeing not one, but two aircraft on the radar screen.

Of course, if the transponders are turned on, as explained in the next section, such confusion is less likely to occur. Even in this case, however, the deception can be complete if the aircraft switch transponder codes.

4.2 Aircraft transponders

Every commercial passenger jet carries a transponder, a device that emits a special radio message whenever it senses an incoming radar wave. The signal carries the transponder code, a multi-digit number that serves to identify the particular aircraft to radar operators at air traffic control centers. The purpose of the code is to make it clear to ATC operators which plane is which. Other information sent by the transponder includes the altitude at which the aircraft is flying. Transponders were implemented many years ago precisely for the reason that radar blips are otherwise easily confused. Transponders make the radar operator’s job much easier.

The pilot of an airliner can turn the transponder on or off in the cockpit. He or she can also change the code by keying in a new number.

Transponder codes for all aircraft departing from a given air traffic control region are assigned by the ATC authority more or less arbitrarily at the beginning of operations for the day. The only important criterion for the numbers so assigned is that they all be different. It sometimes happens that an aircraft entering the control area carries the same transponder code as another aircraft that is already in the area. In such a case, one of the pilots is requested to change his or her code to avoid confusion.

4.3 Remote Control

A remote control system of the type used in this scenario employs a signal interface that does two things: It reads signals from a ground station and sends signals back to it. Both sets of signals must pass through the aircraft’s antenna system. In the Boeing 757 and 767 the antenna system is located in the forward belly of the aircraft.

The outgoing signal from the aircraft would include a video signal from a camera located in the nose or other forward portion of the aircraft. Flight data such as control positions, airspeed and other instrument readings are also included in the outgoing signal. The incoming signal from the ground station would include the position of a virtual control yoke (governing direction of aircraft), thrust, trim, and other essential flight parameters.

The virtual pilot sits in front of a reduced instrument panel and a video monitor. A simplified control yoke or “joystick” control is also part of the operator’s equipment. The remote pilot would watch the instruments, as well as the video image, making continuing adjustments in the aircraft’s flight path, just as if he or she sat in the cockpit of the actual aircraft.

Many claims of the attacking aircraft being under “remote control” have appeared on the web since 9/11, but typically with little or no supporting documentation. The claim of a pre-installed anti-hijacking system (Vialls 2001) has proved impossible to verify. Similarly, claims that Global Hawk technology (USAF 98) was used are rampant, but do not quite fit the specific version of Operation Pearl presented here. For one thing, the Global Hawk system does not use remote visual guidance, but onboard navigation electronics that bypass the need for direct, minute-by-minute human control.

The system invoked for the attacks in Operation Pearl is based on the Predator unmanned surveillance vehicle (USAF undated), a modularized aircraft that can be broken into components for ease of shipping and rapid deployment. One of the components includes a remote guidance module which could be refitted to another aircraft (with appropriate modifications) without the need to strip a predator vehicle. The predator operates under remote human guidance from a ground station that, once deployed, would require as few as two human operators during a “secure” operation.

A second possibility involves a system known as a “flight termination system,” manufactured by the System Planning Corporation. (SPC 2000) This system permits hands-on control of a nearly endless variety of aircraft, the control interface being to a large degree customizable. For the purposes of the Operation Pearl scenario, either of these systems might well be adaptable to the remote operations of jet aircraft.

Without question, however, the basic technology for the remote guidance of aircraft has been on hand for many years. For a large intelligence organization it would be a straightforward technical operation to install a remote control system in virtually any type of aircraft, whether a large commercial airliner or anything smaller. The aircraft carrying the installation would be available and prepared in advance, then substituted by a radar swap for the passenger aircraft it was meant to replace.

5 Operation Pearl

In the detailed scenario to follow, Harrisburg International Airport was selected as the base of operations. However, any airport, airbase or landing strip of suitable length within, say, 80 km of Harrisburg might work just as well. The following table displays the takeoff times of the respective aircraft from Boston’s logan Airport, Newark International, and Washington’s Dulles Airport on the morning of September 11, 2001. Assuming a takedown at the first deviation, the flying times to Harrisburg International Airport are calculated and the arrival times of the respective aircraft at Harrisburg are displayed. All flying times are based on the assumption of an average airspeed of 805 km/h (500 mph). In each case, 5 minutes is added at either end of the flight to allow for takeoffs and landings.

Flight Take-down Distance to Harrisburg Flying Time Arrival
AA11 8:16 am 420 km 32 + 5 min. 8:53 am
UA175 8:42 am 200 km 15 + 5 min. 9:02 am
UA93 8:42 am 260 km 20 + 5 min. 9:07 am
AA77 8:46 am 240 km 18 + 5 min. 9:09 am

Since Flight UA93 was already heading in the general direction of Harrisburg, the actual takedown could have been made any time after 8:42, as indicated by the plus sign. According to the “oficial” timeline (USA Today 2001), the first deviation of Flight UA175 took place at 8:42. However, the New York ATC transcript shows that contact with Flight UA175 was not lost until 8:52 am. If Flight UA175 had deviated prior to that time, the transcript would contain a record of the ATC operator querying UA175 about his departure from the flight plan.

As a feasibility check, we may now calculate whether there was adequate time on the ground in Harrisburg to implement either of the disposal schemes presented here. First, if the passengers from the other three flights were all loaded onto Flight UA93, we may work backwards to discover how much time was available for this operation. The flight of UA93 from Harrisburg to Shanksville would travel a distance of 144 km, taking 18 minutes to get there. Thus, to “crash” at 10:06 am, it had to leave Harrisburg no later than 9:45 am. This would give the agents of Operation Pearl (see Appendix C) some 33 minutes to board the passengers from the other flights onto Flight UA93. This is an exceptionally tight schedule for such a time-consuming operation. To ease the schedule somewhat, the present release of Operation Pearl has Flight UA93 proceed to Shanksville following the departure of the takedown agent and a brief search of the aircraft. The passengers from the other three aircraft are all put aboard Flight UA175.

This particular rearrangement scheme is supported by the appearance at Cleveland’s Hopkins airport of two aircraft between 10:00 am and 11:00 am on the morning of September 11. (Box 2003) During this time, the airport was shut down and evacuated for the hour. Cause of the evacuation was a radio message from Delta 1989 expressing concerns that a bomb may have been planted on the aircraft. Delta 1989, landed at approximately 10:15 am and sat on a runway at the FAA Center, its 69 passengers and crew not being deplaned until after 11:00 pm, when the aircraft was searched. At about 10:45, a “mystery” aircraft landed, then proceeded to a remote part of the airport near the NASA Center, where it sat for half an hour before taking off again. It had approximately 200 passengers aboard. Both aircraft were “searched” during their stay at Hopkins airport. Delta 1989, despite arriving much earlier than the mystery flight, was not released until 11:15 am, after the airport had reopened. Passengers from that flight were interviewed, but no passengers from the mystery flight were seen by any member of the media or public during its stay at Cleveland. Their total reported number of approximately 200, matches closely the total number of passengers and flight crews from UA175, AA77 and AA11, namely 192.

There is a possible indication that the mystery aircraft was Flight UA93, based on a statement from United Airlines at the time. Since it was Flight 93 that crashed at Pennsylvania, according to both Operation Pearl and the official scenario, this is probably incorrect. However, the mystery flight does appear to have been United Airlines equipment, so if it was not Flight 93, it may well have been UA175 (which was supposed to have struck the WTC south tower well before this). In any case, it makes no difference to the feasibility of Operation Pearl if the roles of Flights UA175 and UA93 are interchanged.

In order for Flight 175 to arrive in Cleveland by 10:45 am, it would have to leave Harrisburg some 40 minutes earlier, no later than 10:10 am, some 25 minutes after the departure of UA93 for Shanksville. This gives ample time to load the passengers and crew of Flights AA11 and AA77 aboard UA175 prior to its departure at 10:10 am (or even somewhat before that).

A master timetable for the entire operation has been provided at the end of this article. Readers may wish to consult this table, along with the accompanying map, in order to obtain a birdseye view of all four flights, as alleged in the Bush-Cheney scenario.

We will now examine key elements of Operation Pearl in the form of mini-dramatizations that place the reader in the scene, as it were. The following sketches supply enough detail to provide a secondary check on feasibility. I have used a compact notation to refer to the four replacement flights, simply appending an “X” to the flight number. Thus “UA93-X” refers to the replacement aircraft for flight UA93.

5.1 The takedown

The morning of September 11 dawned bright and clear over Boston’s Logan Airport as crews arrived for the first flights of the day. The departure lounge for American Airlines Flight 11 was already filling with passengers when John Ogonowski, the pilot, and Thomas McGuinness, the second officer, arrived to board their Boeing 767 and begin the preflight check.

As passengers slowly filed past the check-in counter and onto the boarding ramp, the flight officers proceeded through the cockpit checklist. The weather would be perfect for flying. Only one little detail soured Ogonowski’s day. He had been informed that an FBI antiterrorism agent would be aboard the aircraft. Among the incoming passengers, a nondescript gentleman in a business suit settled into a seat in first class. Just as the giant turbofan engines began their warmup, a stewardess reminded the gentleman, now scribbling on a piece of paper, to fasten his lap belt.

“Certainly. Er, would you mind giving this note to the captain?”

She took the note forward, handing it to Ogonowski, who read it with more than passing interest.

“Hmmm. I guess it’s real. Take a look at this, Tom.”

McGuinness read the note.

My name is Bill Proctor, FBI anti-hijacking team. We have
information that hijackers may be aboard the aircraft today. I
repeat, may. My partner and I are on this flight to prevent such a
happening. We wish our presence on board to be kept confidential.
I am in seat 7A. Thank you for your cooperation.

“I’d better take a look at this guy,” said Ogonowski. Take her out while I go back for some coffee.”

The engines roared to life and the aircraft began to roll out to the taxiway. Ogonowski spotted the gentleman and pulled the note from his breast pocket. The gentleman nodded and smiled back.

“I’m sorry. I still have to ask to see your ID.”

“Certainly.” The man handed Ogonowski a small wallet, flipped open to reveal the famous logo.

On his way to the galley, Ogonowski scrutinized the passengers from the corner of his eyes. Instinctively, he looked for swarthy, middle eastern types, somewhat reassured to see none.

The takeoff was smooth and the 767 climbed into clear blue skies, with several wisps of cirrus off to the west. About 15 minutes into the flight, just as the flight officers were relaxing and thinking a hijacking rather unlikely, another note arrived via the stewardess.

We have spotted two terrorists on board. I must come forward to
discuss the situation with you. Bill

“What the hell! Is this guy serious?”

“Jeez. I guess so.”

Inside the cockpit, the gentleman wore a serious frown.

“We’ll have to land at Harrisburg, where we have facilities to deal with this problem. Use the 80.7 kHz frequency and do not engage in any other radio activity at this time, please. Identify yourself as American Flight 380 and tell them you have a faulty fuel pump in Number Two engine.”

“Where are the terrorists?”

“Don’t worry, they’re here. By the way, you must also turn off your transponder. Now.”

Ogonowski turned off the transponder and turned on the PA system.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have experienced a slight difficulty with one of our fuel pumps and must land to have it checked. American is sorry for the delay. We’ll have alternate transportation ready for you as soon as possible.”

The gentleman smiled, nodding approvingly. A murmur of groans and complaints filtered into the cabin. Meanwhile, unknown to anyone aboard Flight AA11 (except, possibly, the agent), another aircraft shadowed flight AA11, below and slightly behind them. It climbed, even as flight AA11 descended. The route of Flight 11-X slowly diverged from that of Flight 11, heading southeast toward New Jersey, even as Flight 11 headed southwest, toward Harrisburg. The shadow aircraft had no one aboard, merely a remote control system and explosives.

“One more thing. As soon as we touch down, proceed immediately to the military hangars at the north end of the airport. We have a team of agents there who will board the aircraft as soon as you can get the doors open.”

Although Ogonowski sent no messages to New York ATC, he listened intently to the radio chatter as the flight proceeded southward toward Harrisburg, a trip that would last approximately 25 minutes:

“UAL175 at FL310.”

“UAL 175 New York center. Roger.”

“New York do a favor. Were you asked to look for an aircraft, an American flight about about 8 or 9 o’clock 10 miles south bound last altitude 290? No one is sure where he is.”

“Yeah, we talked about him on the last frequency. We spotted him when he was at our 3 o’clock position. He did appear to us to be at 29,000 feet. We’re not picking him up on TCAS. I’ll look again and see if we can spot him at 24.”

“No, it looks like they shut off their transponder. That’s why the question about it.”

Ogonowski smiled grimly. That would be them. About seven minutes before they would land at Harrisburg, his ears perked up.

“Anybody know what that smoke is in lower Manhattan?”

“I’m sorry, say again.”

“A lot of smoke in lower manhattan.”

“A lot of smoke in lower Manhattan?”

“Coming out of the top of the World Trade Center building, a major fire.”

“And which was the one that just saw the major fire?”

“This is DAL1489 we see lower Manhattan. Looks like the World Trade Center on fire, but it’s hard to tell from here.”

Ogonowski would never know that his name would shortly appear in the media as part of a long list of those who perished in the event now unfolding.

Ahead of him the layout of the Harrisburg Airport, faintly discernible in the distance, grew slowly in size. The aircraft banked and made its final approach. More radio chatter revealed chaos and uncertainty at the New York ATC, as well as at control towers throughout the area. Everyone involved had entered a state of distraction that would only deepen when the federal Aviation Agency would issue an order for all aircraft to land.
Flight AA11 would be the first of many emergency landings at Harrisburg International that day.

The 767 glided smoothly to touchdown, its air brakes howling. The aircraft slowly rolled to a crawl, then turned onto a taxiway that led to an Air National Guard hangar, where a man with orange batons waved them in. As soon as the flight crew got the doors open, one of the group of waiting officials rolled a large gangway to the open door and three agents dashed up the stairs. One of them had a bullhorn.

“Ladies and gentlemen. We must ask that you leave the aircraft immediately. Leave all personal belongings and carryon bags aboard the aircraft. This includes cellphones. Do not attempt any cellphone calls, as they could trigger any explosives on board. We’ll begin evacuation from the front of the aircraft.”

Dutifully, the passengers filed from the aircraft in orderly fashion, making their way down the steep gangplank to be searched for cellphones at the bottom, then joining a crowd that had formed around another official.

“Ladies and gentlemen. It is now safe to tell you that you have just escaped being hijacked by Arab terrorists. We will apprehend the suspects and search the aircraft for bombs and other dangers to public safety. Unfortunately, this procedure may take some time and we have no facilities for you here. We’ll have to put you on another flight, as soon as it arrives. I realize that this is very inconvenient and we apologize. However, you can think of yourselves as among the luckiest people in America today.”

As he spoke, two officials led a disheveled man in handcuffs down the gangplank. He had olive-colored skin and a dark beard. A murmur went up from the crowd.

“Where the hell did he come from?” muttered McGuinness. He had a feeling of unreality in the pit of his stomach. He felt nauseous.

By then, another aircraft, flight UA175, had landed and was now taxiing toward the same hangar. The officials herded the passengers into the hanger, where they were told to wait. The officials then went to greet the second aircraft, where they repeated the procedure.

Tower personnel were of course aware of the two flights parked at the Air National Guard hangar. They were aware that the aircraft were being inspected by some kind of security team but, beyond that, they paid little heed to the operation. They were too busy coordinating some very busy airspace.

5.2 Swapping aircraft

At the New York air traffic control center rows of radar operators “pushing tin,” as they call it, monitored flights into and out of New York airspace, talking to the pilots occasionally on their throat mikes. Each operator had several flights to monitor, a job that guaranteed one of the highest stress levels of any occupation in the travel industry.

We pick up the transcript at 8:37 in the morning, somewhat before UA175 went missing. In fact, the pilot of UA175 assisted in the search for Flight AA11, as we shall presently see. We pick up the conversation between one of the controllers (bold face) and the aircraft under his responsibility. (NYT 2001) My commentary within the transcript has been placed in square brackets.

“USA583 checking in at FL350.”

“USA583 Roger.”

“42-39 see the 823 FL350 reference that guy on left.”

“I gave the FDX turns. Do what you want, reference the FDX.”

” R49 310.”

“FDX226 contact New York Center on 133.47. Good day.”

“33.4 FDX3226 heavy.”

“New York UAL 457.”

“Sector 10 point out west of LRP 712 at FL410.”

“Point out approved.”

[The time was 8:40 am. United Airlines Flight 175 came on the air with some information to report.]

“UAL175 at FL310.”

“UAL 175 New York center. Roger.”

“New York do a favor. Were you asked to look for an aircraft, an American flight about about 8 or 9 o’clock 10 miles south bound last altitude 290? No one is sure where he is.”

“Yeah, we talked about him on the last frequency. We spotted him when he was at our 3 o’clock position. He did appear to us to be at 29,000 feet. We’re not picking him up on TCAS. I’ll look again and see if we can spot him at 24.”

“No, it looks like they shut off their transponder. That’s why the question about it.”

“New York UAL175 heavy.”

“UAL 175 go ahead.”

“We figured we’d wait to go to your center. We heard a suspicious transmission on our departure from BOS. Sounds like someone keyed the mike and said, ‘Everyone stay in your seats.’”

[See Note #2.]

O.K. I’ll pass that along.

“It cut out.” (UAL 175)

“IGN 93 line.”

“Go ahead.”

“UAL 175 just came on my frequency and he said he heard a suspicious transmission when they were leaving BOS: ‘Everybody stay in your seats.’ That’s what he heard as the suspicious transmission, just to let you know.”

[Then US Air Flight 583 called in.]

“Center, where do you place him in relation to 583 now?”

“He’s off about 9 o’clock and about 20 miles. Looks like he’s heading southbound but there’s no transponder, no nothing, and no one’s talking to him.”

[The flight in question could be either Flight AA11 or Flight AA11-X.]

“Hello New York good morning DAL2315 passing 239 for 280.”

“DAL2315 New York Center. Roger.”

“New York center DAL2433 310.”

“DAL2433 New York Center. Roger.”

[Four minutes later the time was 8:46 and the mystery had not been solved. Flight 11-X was flying an angular route south, then east. Other flights continued to converse with New York ATC.]

“Direct PTW DAL 1489 heavy.”


“DAL2315 contact the New York Center on 134.6. Have a nice day.”

“134.6 DAL2315.”

“34.6 3-4-point 6.”

“USA429 leveling off at 350.”

I’m sorry, who was that?

“USA429 leveling at 350.”

“USA429, New York Center roger.”

[As we will shortly see, the radar operator lost track of Flight AA11, as evidenced by his queries of pilots in the area, as well as his failure to make any connection between the World Trade Center fire (about to be reported) and Flight AA11. It appears that the flight had simply been lost in the swarm of blips that crowded every screen at the New York ATC.]

“Anybody know what that smoke is in lower Manhattan?”

“I’m sorry, say again.”

“A lot of smoke in lower manhattan.”

“A lot of smoke in lower Manhattan?”

“Coming out of the top of the World Trade Center building, a major fire.”

“And which was the one that just saw the major fire?”

“This is DAL1489 we see lower Manhattan. Looks like the World Trade Center on fire, but its hard to tell from here.”

“DAL1489. Roger.”

“Let us know if you hear any news down there.”


“DAL 1043 cleared direct PTW.”

“Direct PTW DAL 1043.”

At 8:51 am, the operator was still in touch with Flight 175, asking the pilot to change his transponder code.

“UAL175 recycle transponder squawk code 1470.”

“UAL175. New York.”

[But at 8:52 am, things went wrong with Flight UAL175, as well.]

“UAL175 do you read New York?”

“DAL1489 do you read New York?”

“DAL1489. Go ahead.”

“O.K. Just wanted to make sure you were reading New York. United, United 175. Do you read New York?”

“IGN on the 93 line. Kennedy.”

“IGN on the 93 line East Texas.”


“Do me a favor. See if UAL175 went back to your frequency.”

“UAL 175?”


“He’s not here. East Texas.”

“10 - Do you see that UAL175 anywhere? And do me a favor. You see that target there on 3321 code at 335 climbing? Don’t know who he is, but you got that USA 583. If you need to descent him down you can. Nobody. We may have a hijack. We have some problems over here right now.”

“Oh you do?” (another operator)

“Yes, that may be real traffic. Nobody knows. I can’t get a hold of UAL175 at all right now and I don’t know where he went to.”

[The transcript reveals a new aircraft with transponder code 3321. The aircraft has already climbed to 33,500 feet. This may have been the replacement aircraft for Flight 175.]

“UAL 175 New York.”

“New York 583.”

“USA583 go ahead.”

“Yes. Getting reports over the radio of a commuter hitting the World Trade Center. Is that nordo [no radio] 76 [Boeing 767] still in the air?”

It is interesting that the initial report of the first WTC attack involved not a 767, but a smaller commuter aircraft. From that point on however, things got increasingly hectic at the New York ATC center. Operators glanced at the screen space centered on Manhattan and eastern New Jersey, trying to guess which aircraft was Flight 175.

On all screens there were often several aircraft without transponder codes. Some of these were local flights, mostly smaller aircraft. The presence of such blips would probably have made the radar operator;’s job much harder. Taking one’s eye off a suspicious aircraft to check other aircraft in the area, might make it impossible to be certain which aircraft it was when the operator glanced back. This, in any case, was apparently what happened.

5.3 The World Trade Center

It would have been an eerie experience to ride the 757 that we have called Flight 175-X. Walking the aisles, we would have seen the seats all stripped from the aircraft, the walls lined with fuel drums, like so many token passengers. Cables ran up the aisle to the cockpit, where a large black box sat on the floor, just in front of the control console. Some of the cables fed into several openings in the console, others passed through openings in the floor into the aircraft’s belly, where the antenna system communicated with a ground station.

At the ground station, an operator watched a color television monitor. On it, he could see the Manhattan skyline looming steadily larger. He adjusted the joystick slightly to the right, aiming for the south tower, then pushed the stick forward slightly. The aircraft slowly descended until it was level with the upper third of the still distant building. An ironic smile crossed the operator’s face. This was not exactly the intended use of the Predator technology.

About a minute from impact, a steady crosswind that the operator had not taken into account had pushed the aircraft off course to the east, even as the tower loomed faster than he thought it would. He was going to miss! Damn. He pulled the joystick sharply to the left.

Just when the corner of the south tower was about to disappear from the screen, it swung back into view again, the building now appearing sharply tilted to the right. He saw several rows of windows. Close, then very close. In the last frame, he caught a glimpse of some office people staring from one of the windows in horror. Then the screen went blank. To think of how close he came to missing!

5.4 Back at the base

Under the Operation Pearl scenario, the takedown of all four flights would be conducted in the same manner, flights UA93 and AA77, being no exceptions. By the time Flight UA93 arrived over Harrisburg, the alarm had been out for a good 20 minutes. Flights were coming down everywhere. Airport tower personnel, as well as those at all air traffic control centers, were simply overwhelmed. In this context, bringing flights UA93 and AA77 into Harrisburg were relatively simple and secure operations involving little more than switching to a new transponder number, landing and proceeding to the same processing area. The same cover story still worked, since it was not known at the time whether aircraft might be targeted, as well as buildings.

The swap of flight UA93-X for flight UA93 would have been far less exposed to radar than the swaps in the NY phase of the operation. As Flight UA93 descended into the radar shadow of the Susquehanna valley close to Harrisburg International, an executive jet rose out of the valley, below and immediately behind the aircraft. The swap would have been seamless, with Flight UA93 turning off its transponder about the same time that the pilot of Flight UA93-X turned his on. Flight UA93-X then turned northeast to follow an erratic path to the west as far as Cleveland before looping back to head for southern Pennsylvania.

Continuing with the special narrative, we see how the flight crew of Flight UA93 may have been prepared for their final flight. As the passengers re-boarded Flight UA93, the officials held a special conference with pilot Jason Dahl and First Officer LeRoy Homer.

“Fellows, we’ve made a thorough check for bombs on board, and we’re sure it’s clean. You will be picked up by a military escort aircraft as you leave. Please be sure to follow that aircraft and stay in communication with it. Frequency will be 118.7 MHz. all the way. Fly at the same level of 4000 feet. If it should happen to deviate from it’s flight path, it may be checking something out. Just stay on course. Your escort will rejoin you soon enough.”

Pilot and first officer nodded, then climbed the stairs, entered the cockpit and began the preflight check for the second time that morning. Meanwhile, passengers filed into the aircraft, urged on by the officials, until all were aboard.

At 9:45 the 757 roared off the runway at Harrisburg and set course for the west, even as a military-looking all-white aircraft rose from low altitude to fly off their port wing.

“This is your Escort Bravo One. We’re not very fast, here.” said the military pilot. “Reduce your airspeed to 400 knots and stay directly behind with minimal separation.”

“I’ve seen that kind of aircraft before,” said Homer.

“Yup. That’s an A-10 Warthog,” said Dahl. “And she’s armed to the teeth. See the missiles under the wing?”

“Warthog? Funny name.”

“Actually, it’s called the Thunderbolt, but I guess everyone thinks the thing is too ugly to be called anything but a warthog.”

5.5 The Crash at Shanksville

The two aircraft climbed out along the valley of the Susquehanna, then headed southwest along a succession of valleys, emerging at last into a large, relatively flat basin, partly forested and dotted with farms and villages. Ahead of the them, the white aircraft, flight UA93-X, suddenly turned off and began circling around to the east, descending as it went.

Shanksville resident Susan Mcelwain watched the white aircraft pass directly over her minivan:

“It came right over me, I reckon just 40 or 50 feet above my van,” she recalled. “It was so low I ducked instinctively. It was traveling real fast, but hardly made any sound. (UF93 2001)

“Then it disappeared behind some trees. A few seconds later I heard this great explosion and saw this fireball rise up over the trees, so I figured the jet had crashed. The ground really shook. So I dialed 911 and told them what happened . . . “

“There’s no way I imagined this plane - it was so low it was virtually on top of me. It was white with no markings but it was definitely military, it just had that look. It had two rear engines, a big fin on the back like a spoiler on the back of a car and with two upright fins at the side. I haven’t found one like it on the internet. It definitely wasn’t one of those executive jets. The FBI came and talked to me and said there was no plane around.”

The description of the mystery aircraft given by Ms Mcelwain happens to match only one military aircraft currently in use by the US armed forces, namely a (repainted) A-10 Thunderbolt, a heavily armed aircraft used in ground support roles. (McChord 2003) Several other witnesses saw the same aircraft, both before the crash and after it, circling the area. (Flight 93, 2001)

Two area residents, both quite close to the crash scene, heard missiles being fired. One, a Viet Nam veteran, was quite sure about what he had heard.

Mcelwain and many others heard one or two tremendous explosions rock the sky over Shanksville, the concussion actually shaking the ground. Debris rained down for miles around. One engine landed nearly a mile from the alleged crash site. Body parts, luggage, scraps of metal, bits of in-flight magazine plummeted or fluttered to the ground a mile or more away.

The white aircraft turned, took one more pass, then headed back to its base of operations. Mcelwain called 911.

The Shanksville “crash” of Flight 93 presents us with a number of mysterious reports of a midair explosion (or explosions) as well as the presence of a white “mystery jet” seen in the area by many local residents.
The midair explosion was heard by virtually everyone in the area, of course. The debris field resulting from the explosion was apparently much more extensive than what would result from an ordinary crash, with all the debris within a narrow compass laterally to the incoming flight path. New Baltimore resident Melanie Hankinson, who lives some eight miles from the crash site, found paper debris from the aircraft, including remnants of United Airlines in-flight magazine, Hemispheres. Other debris, including body parts, were scattered over a space of miles. One of the engines were found a “considerable distance from the crash site,” according to State Police Major Lyle Szupinka.

Shanksville Mayor, Earnest Stuhl, has stated that at least two area residents, both living within a few hundred yards of the debris field, heard missiles being fired. One of the witnesses, a Viet Nam veteran, had heard missiles fired from aircraft many times during his tour of duty and claimed that it could not be anything else.

5.6 The Attack on the Pentagon

About the time that Flight AA11-X struck the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York, Flight AA77-X, another Boeing 757, but painted in American Airlines livery, took over from Flight AA77. Like Flight UA93, Flight AA77 dropped into one of the numerous valleys that run the length of the Alleghenies, possibly the valley of the Shenandoah River. Meanwhile, Flight AA77-X fled westward across West Virginia before looping back, close to the border of southern Ohio. It had to do this, of course, to provide time for the deplaning operation at Harrisburg. Shortly after turning the aircraft around, the pilot turned off his transponder and headed straight for Washington, DC.

By 9:30 am Flight AA77-X was already over Virginia, closing rapidly on the capital. As it approached the Pentagon from the west, another smaller aircraft under remote control, possibly an F-16 Falcon, came into the Pentagon from the southwest. It came very fast. Flight AA77-X banked sharply to pass over the Pentagon from the same direction, then overflew the building. In the direction it was traveling, it was already lined up with a runway at Reagan International and may well have landed there. Although visible on local radar as an overflight, AA77-X was confused with the incoming smaller military aircraft, which would have been visible as a second blip. Operators would have been led to assume that the second blip represented the overflight.

The small military aircraft slammed into the bottom floor of the 80-foot high Pentagon, its fuselage punching a hole in the two-foot thick limestone block wall.

5.7 Disposal

Getting rid of the original aircraft was trickier than one might suppose. One could not simply wash off the paint with an acid scrub and sell the aircraft to a third world country. Nor could one break the aircraft up and sell the parts. Indeed the parts, thousands of them, were all stamped with serial numbers that were registered to their respective aircraft. They could be traced. For this reason, it would have been much cleaner to dump the aircraft in the Atlantic Ocean. Near the end of Operation Pearl, three aircraft remained to be disposed of. Flight UA175 had gone to Cleveland, while Flights AA11 and AA77 were still at Harrisburg.

In spite of the nationwide calldown of all aircraft, a limited number of aircraft were permitted to take off again, perhaps under the blanket of “national security.” Operation Pearl invokes the simplest possible scheme in which all three flights with pilot operatives take off from their respective locations late on the morning of September 11. Their identities and transatlantic flight plans are bogus. After clearing the oceanic side of the New York ATC control area and being well off the continental shelf, the three aircraft are ditched. A variety of methods are possible for this final operation. The simplest involves each pilot putting his aircraft on autopilot directed to a specific area of the Atlantic Ocean, the amount of fuel on board being just sufficient to reach it. Strategically placed charges in both the roof and belly of each aircraft would insure a rapid, debris-free submergence. Of course, each pilot would bail out of his respective aircraft at points (either on land or offshore) where they could easily be picked up.

6 The Four Flights Considered Individually

It has been no doubt confusing for the average reader to follow the timeline given here. By necessity the narrative has jumped from aircraft to aircraft as time progresses. In this section, we will examine each flight in turn, summarizing the major events under the Operation Pearl scenario.
Since we have already dealt with the passage of time in order to assure consistency and continuity, I will omit times altogether in this summary.

Flight AA11: After departing Boston’s Logan airport early in the morning, American Airlines Flight 11 was commandeered by a man claiming to be an FBI agent and ordered to land at Harrisburg airport. Before the aircraft landed, another aircraft had replaced Flight 11 by the radar swap technique and had followed a route subsequently tracked by radar operators to the New York area, where it crashed into the World Trade Center north tower. Meanwhile, Flight AA11 was searched for bombs and then the passengers were loaded into UA Flight 175 and flown to Cleveland’s Hopkins airport. There, the passengers were gassed and tissue samples removed before the flight departed for deep burial in the Atlantic Ocean.

Flight UA175: After departing Boston’s Logan airport somewhat later than flight AA11, flight UA175 was also commandeered in the same manner as Flight AA11, subsequently landing at Harrisburg. Meanwhile, a Boeing 767 aircraft loaded with extra fuel and piloted by remote control had replaced Flight UA175 by the radar swap technique. It crashed into the south tower of the WTC. At Harrisburg, the passengers of UA175 were deplaned while the plane was searched, then allowed to reenter the aircraft. After the passengers and crews of the other two flights were loaded aboard Flight UA175, it departed for Cleveland, as already described in the previous paragraph.

Flight AA77: Flight AA77 left Washington’s Dulles airport and headed west, then north to Harrisburg after being commandeered and replaced by a lookalike aircraft. At Harrisburg, it was treated in exactly the same manner as Flight UA175, the crew and passengers ending up in Cleveland, as already described. The surrogate aircraft which we have called Flight UA77-X continued westward almost to the western border of West Virginia before looping back toward Washington. Just after performing the turnaround, Flight AA77-X turned off its transponder. In Washington, it passed over the Pentagon through an enormous cloud of smoke created by the impact and explosion of an F-16 military jet impacting the building itself just a second or two earlier. (Few people happened to be looking in the direction of the impact, their attention being diverted by a large military aircraft performing strange acrobatics over the capital.) Flight AA77-X subsequently landed at Reagan International, identifying itself in a normal way.

Flight UA93: Not long after leaving Newark, Flight UA93 was commandeered to Harrisburg after being replaced by Flight UA93-X, a smaller, twin engine jet aircraft that carried the same transponder number as Flight UA93, the pilot turning his transponder on just as the pilot of Flight UA93 was told to turn his off. Flight UA93-X flew an erratic route as far west as Cleveland, where it made the same kind of abrupt turn as Flight AA77-X had, then turning off its transponder and flying directly toward Washington DC. (During this time the cellphone operation went into effect for Flight UA93, just as it had with at least two of the other flights.) At Harrisburg, Flight UA93 was searched and released sooner than the other three aircraft. It flew in the direction of southern Pennsylvania, arriving over Shanksville just as UA93-X came in from the north carrying UA93’s transponder number. It was shot down by powerful missiles from an A10 Thunderbolt which, along with (surrogate) Flight UA93-X, returned to base.

7 The Evidence Filter

We are now in a position to review the evidence and its relationship to the Operation Pearl scenario described above. Below each item in the original checklist, I have placed a brief explanation of the suspicious circumstance, anomaly or direct contradiction.

Suspicious circumstances

1. At least four of the named hijackers were not in the United States.

Explanation: The alleged hijackers were not on the aircraft, in any
case. (Their names may have been selected from a list of lapsed or
stolen passports.)

2. The WTC towers collapsed without adequate heat stress.

Explanation: The lack of passenger corpses, luggage, etc, had to be
concealed by burial beneath the rubble resulting from a controlled

3. Most of the alleged hijackers were rather poor pilots.

Explanation: The alleged hijackers were not aboard the aircraft, in
any case.

4. Evidence of alleged hijackers developed too quickly.

Explanation: Evidence was planted in order to have the story develop


1. The US Air Force failed to intercept any of the flights.

Explanation: No interceptors were deployed since their pilots would
have reported the substitute aircraft.

2. The hijackers’ names did not show up on passenger lists.

Explanation: The hijackers were not aboard the aircraft.

3. The hijackers’ faces did not appear on boarding gate videos.

Explanation: The hijackers were not aboard the aircraft.

4. Black boxes were missing from all but one flight.

Explanation: None of the flights except UA93 were actually involved
in the crashes. The attacking aircraft had their black boxes
removed for obvious reasons.

5, Two of the aircraft, Flights UA93 and AA77 took long westward
excursions before turning around and proceeding to their

Explanation: The westward excursions of Flights UA93 and AA77
(i.e., UA93X and AA77X) were necessary to give time for the four
planes to land and re-arrange passenger complements.


1. Aircraft striking the Pentagon was not a large passenger aircraft.

Explanation: Flight AA77 did not strike the Pentagon.

2. Cellphone calls made by passengers were highly unlikely to

Explanation: Flight UA93 was not in the air when most of the alleged
calls were made. The calls themselves were all faked.

Expanded timeline for Operation Pearl

Time Event

7:59 am UA11 takes off from Boston’s Logan Airport
8:14 am UA175 takes off from Boston’s Logan Airport
8:16 am First deviation of AA11 north of Albany, NY
8:20 am AA77 takes off from Washington’s Dulles Airport
8:20 am AA11 transponder turned off
8:30 am First swap: Flight AA11-X takes over, transponder off
8:35 am Beginning of NY ATC transcript
8:40 am UA175 transponder is turned off
8:42 am UA93 takes off from Newark, NJ
First deviation of UA175 over northern NJ
8:46 am Second swap: Flight AA77X takes over, same t-code
8:46 am AA11-X strikes north tower of WTC
Nationwide alert begins
8:53 am Third swap: Flight UA175X takes over, transponder off
AA11 lands at Harrisburg
8:54 am End of NY ATC transcript
8:55 am AA77X transponder is turned off.
9:02 am UA175X strikes south tower of WTC
UA175 lands at Harrisburg.
Fourth swap: Flight UA93X replaces UA93.
9:07 am UA93 lands at Harrisburg.
9:09 am AA77 lands at Harrisburg.
9:37 am AA77X overflies the Pentagon explosion at Wedge 1
9:45 am UA93 takes off from Harrisburg.
10:00 am UA175 takes off from Harrisburg.
10:06 am UA93 crashes near Shanksville, PA.
10:45 am UA175 lands at Cleveland Hopkins.
11:15 am UA175 departs for the Atlantic Ocean.

Map showing the offically-claimed flightpaths on 9/11 - and probable deviations from those paths under the Operation Pearl scenario (Map based on original version in USA Today. Yellow lines indicate flight deviations; yellow numbers are ’swaps’ in the table above)


I acknowledge with profound gratitude the assistance of Derrick Grimmer, David Hoshour, Jerry Longspaugh, Brad Mayeaux, Helen Stace, Richard Stanley, Sid Walker and Gregory Zeigler in the preparation of this article.


(Add (Meyssan 2001) (Holmgren 2002) (Dewdney 2003a), on Pentagon crash)

(BBC 2002) Hijack ‘Suspects’ Alive and Well. BBC News, Sunday Sept. 23, 2002. Retrieved Sept. 29 2002 from

(Box 2004) W. Box. The Cleveland Airport Mystery. 9-11 Visibility Project, INN World Report. Retrieved from

(CNN, 2001) Cable Network News. 2001. Trade Center Victims. Retrieved January 22, 2002, from .

(Dewdney 2002) Ghost riders in the Sky. Feral News. Retrieved from (> May 15, 2003.

(Dewdney 2004) A. K. Dewdney. 2004. The Cellphone and “Airfone” calls made from Flight UA93. Physics 911 Public Website

(FAA, 1998) 1998 (July 3). Special military operations. Chapter 4, section 5, Federal Aviation Agency Order 7610.4J. .

(FAA, 2001) 2001 (July 12). Emergency situations. Chapter 10, section 2-5, Federal Aviation Agewncy Order 7110.65M. .

(Flight 93, 2001) How did Flight 93 crash? Retrieved from May 20, 2003. Note: this site uses mostly local and national media sources.

(Goldstein et al., 2001) Goldstein A, Sun, LH, Lardner G Jr. Hanjour an unlikely terrorist. (adapted by) Cape Cod Times. October 21, 2001. Retrieved September 30, 2002, from < archives/2001/oct/21/hanjour21.htm>

(Huffschmid 2002) E. Huffschmid. 2002. Painful Questions. Available from

(IIIEb, 2001) Institute of Islamic Information and Education. 2001. Passenger Lists: Where were the Arabs on those airplanes? Retrieved December 19, 2001, from

(McChord, 2003) A-10 Thunderbolt. McChord Air Museum. Retrieved from

(NYT 2001) The New York Times. October 16, 2001, Transcript of United Airlines Flight 175. Retrieved from July 4, 2003.

(Ostrovsky & Hoy, 1990) Hoy C, Ostrovsky V. 1990. By Way of Deception. Toronto, Canada: Stoddart.

(Serendipity 2002) (ref. incomplete)

(SPC 2000) FTS Flight termination system. 2000. System Planning Corporation, Langley, VA. Retrieved from May 17 2003. See (flight termination system) and also (command transmitter system)

(Spencer 2003) TK
(Spitzer 2000) Spitzer, C. R. 2000. Digital Avionics Systems: principles and practices. The Blackburn Press (McGraw-Hill), Caldwell, NJ.

(UF93 2001) United Flight 93 Crash Theory Home Page. 2001. How did Flight 93 Crash? Retrieved from June 10, 2003.

(USA Today 2001) USA Today. 2001. Weapons of destruction. Retrieved from on July 5, 2003.

(USAF no date) RQ-1 Predator unmanned aerial vehicle. United States Air Force Fact Sheet. Aeronautical Systems Center, USAF, Langley, VA. No date on document. Retrieved from
html, May 18 2003.

(USAF 98) Global Hawk: U. S. Airforce Fact Sheet. Global Hawk. Aeronautical Systems Center. USAF Langley, VA. Retrieved July 4 2003 from

(WRH, 2001) What really happened. 2001. Retrieved January 22, 2001, from .


A: The Basic Timeline
(All times are ante meridian or am, EDT)

Flight Departure Deviation Transponder Hit

American 11 7:59 am 8:16 am 8:20 am 8:46 am
United 175 8:14 am 8:42 am 8:40 am 9:02 am
American 77 8:20 am 8:46 am 8:55 am 9:37 am
United 93 8:42 am 9:36 am 9:40 am 10:06 am

B: Table of aircraft

Flight no. Equipment Airport On board

Flight 11 Boeing 767 Boston Logan 81 passengers, 11 crew
Flight 175 Boeing 767 Boston Logan 56 passengers, 9 crew
Flight 77 Boeing 757 Wash. Dulles 58 passengers, 6 crew
Flight 93 Boeing 757 Newark Intn’l 30 passengers, 7 crew

C: Estimates of equipment and personnel used in Operation Pearl

The following lists represent the core requirements in equipment and personnel required to execute Operation Pearl. Additional equipment as well as operatives playing minor roles are not included. Also not included are the operatives running what might be called “Operation Footprint,” a largely bogus flight training program operated prior to September 11 and involving approximately 10 Arabs from a variety of middle eastern countries.


1 Boeing 767 fitted with a remote guidance system (Flight AA11-X)
1 jet aircraft (possibly a large drone) fitted with a remote control system
(Flight UA175-X) [destroyed]
1 piloted Boeing 757 (Flight UA77-X) [reuseable]
1 twin-engine jet aircraft (Flight UA93-X) [reuseable]
1 A-10 Thunderbolt [reuseable]


2 agents on each of four aircraft 8
10 agents at the first base of operations 10
5 agents at the second base of operations 5
4 agents to set up WTC demolition charges 4
2 agents as flight crew on substitute or escort aircraft 6
4 agents as technicians to install RC controls 8
(also to act as remote pilots)
3 pilots to ferry aircraft for disposal 3

This number is certainly an underestimate, but easily mustered by any large intelligence organization. Under the Operation Pearl scenario, all US intelligence agencies are candidates for involvement, as well as Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, as the main “contractor.” An arm’s-length relationship with the Bush administration, with neocon elements acting as go-betweens, would enable Rumsfeld, Bush, and other members of the US administration to disclaim any “specific” knowledge of a forthcoming attack. (See Ostrovsky and Hoy, 1990.)


1. A scenario named Ghost Riders in the Sky was previously constructed by the author (Dewdney 2002). The purpose of that scenario was simply to demonstrate that alternate scenarios that fitted all the facts (as then understood by the author) could be constructed. The scenario involved killing all the passengers and flight crew with a fast-acting nerve agent, then triggering a software patch in the aircraft flight control systems to direct the aircraft to their various destinations. However, when it became evident that no Boeing 757 had actually struck the Pentagon (Meyssan 2001) (Holmgren 2002) (Dewdney 2003), the scenario was rendered invalid. The Ghost Riders scenario, like the Bush-Cheney scenario, required that the aircraft that struck their respective targets were as advertised, two 767s and two 757s.

The fact that the Ghost Riders scenario had to be rejected illustrates the nature of this inquiry. As in science, detective work and in forensics, hypotheses must be formulated, then tested against the available evidence. If found wanting in the light of that evidence, they must be rejected.

2. Since each radar operator had responsibility for only the aircraft on his or her frequency, the transcript does not reveal the radio traffic on other frequencies. Since there is no indication in the transcript that this particular operator was tracking the flight that was about to strike the north tower of the WTC, we must assume that some other operator was.

The “suspicious transmission” could have been real, with a perfectly innocent interpretation or simply bogus, it being dead easy to fake such a message by tuning a ham transmitter to the forbidden frequency just long enough to utter the sentence, “Everyone stay in your seats.”

Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says
By Olivier Uyttebrouck
Albuquerque Journal Staff Writer
Sept. 11, 2001

Televised images of the attacks on the World Trade Center suggest that explosives devices caused the collapse of both towers, a New Mexico Tech explosion expert said Tuesday.
The collapse of the buildings appears "too methodical" to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van Romero, vice president for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

"My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse," Romero said.

Romero is a former director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center at Tech, which studies explosive materials and the effects of explosions on buildings, aircraft and other structures. Romero said he based his opinion on video aired on national television broadcasts. Romero said the collapse of the structures resembled those of controlled implosions used to demolish old structures.

"It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that," Romero said in a phone interview from Washington, D.C. Romero said he and another Tech administrator were on a Washington-area subway when an airplane struck the Pentagon. He said he and Denny Peterson, vice president for administration and finance, were en route to an office building near the Pentagon to discuss defense-funded research programs at Tech. If explosions did cause the towers to collapse, the detonations could have been caused by a small amount of explosive, he said.

"It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives placed in strategic points," Romero said. The explosives likely would have been put in more than two points in each of the towers, he said. The detonation of bombs within the towers is consistent with a common terrorist strategy, Romero said.

"One of the things terrorist events are noted for is a diversionary attack and secondary device," Romero said.

Attackers detonate an initial, diversionary explosion that attracts emergency personnel to the scene, then detonate a second explosion, he said. Romero said that if his scenario is correct, the diversionary attack would have been the collision of the planes into the towers.

Tech President Dan Lopez said Tuesday that Tech had not been asked to take part in the investigation into the attacks. Tech often assists in forensic investigations into terrorist attacks, often by setting off similar explosions and studying the effects.

Web posted at:

January 30, 2008     
US Human Dark Meat Barbecues Blaze - As Hitler and Prescott Look Up In Glee

Diary Entry by Cathy Garger

The slow-nuking of Americans born with anything other than lily-white skin is testimony to a grand new fascist state that by far and away surpasses the genocidal spectacular grandeur of even Nazi Germany

US Human Dark Meat Barbecues Blaze  - As Hitler and Prescott Look Up In Glee

 Cathy Garger

 I used to be proud to be an American. But that was back a few years ago, back before I learned that the guy in the damp cave didn’t fell those towers, back before I knew what was actually going on.  I was proud to be an American back then, back before I realized that, through no fault of their own, persons who merely happened to have the rotten luck of being born with skin not-so-lily white like mine were prime targets for radiation poisoning – the eternal slow burn from the inside out.

 No, I’m not talking about the genocidal slaughter of Uranium munitions on the Muslim world, on people with darker skins in combat locations like Iraq and Afghanistan, or by the Israeli military inside their own country and in Lebanon.

Death by slow burn – the use of radioactive poisons in the open air inside the US - affects all Americans, but is particularly earmarked, targeted, and cherished for use in locations where primarily non-whites live.

Imagine, if you will, exploding radioactive materials like Depleted Uranium and other lethal, chemically toxic, and heavy metals in the open air near the Mescalero Apaches of New Mexico, the Shoshone peoples in Nevada, and the indigenous Alaskans who have the misfortune of residing near the military’s northernmost  chemical, biological, and nuclear experimental test site called Fort Greely.

Then just imagine creating a chemically toxic, radiological poison soup in the old nuclear Naval shipyard in the Hunter’s Point section of San Francisco, and then refusing to clean up your radioactive mess, fully allowing lower income blacks to succumb to untold tremendous suffering and rampant disease.(see )

On top of all that, as if that’s not enough? Now just try to conceive of ruining Hawaiian paradise forevermore by using radioactive weaponry in military “test fire” there - and then dropping 2,000 lb. bombs from high above mountaintops onto radioactively contaminated soils below, re-suspending the Uranium oxide and dust back into the air, water, and land where the native Hawaiians have lived peacefully on their sacred “Aina” (land) for centuries (see below).

Whether nuking native peoples with Depleted Uranium explosive blasts and A-10 jet warfare maneuvers in US deserts, keeping black ghettos of San Francisco nice and “hot, hot, hot,” or dropping bombs from B-2 stealth bombers, deeply burrowing into – and grossly disturbing – radioactively contaminated soils in Hawaii? One thing can certainly be said for the sociopaths out of control in this sorry ass nation.  If your skin is not so lily-white? Chances are excellent you’re going to feel the heat a hell of a lot more than your tan, beige, and pink fellow Americans.

And by heat, I’m not just talking about the warm rays of the sun.

That’s our Uncle Sam, an unabashedly non-equal opportunity Nuker from way back in grandpa Prescott’s era. From the Trinity Blast in 1945 to the present day, in the tradition of racial hatred that would make even Hitler blush, the proud cooking of yellow, brown, and black-skinned Americans from the inside-out continues in true, fascist Nazi Germany-style… one non-white, ethnically non-pure group at a time.

 Ethnic cleansing in the form of invisible ceramic Uranium oxide aerosol (poison gas) form is something that would, no doubt, have given Hitler quite pleasurable copious nocturnal emissions. One just imagines that Prescott, an ol’ friend of fellow psychopath, Mein Fuhrer, from long ago, is looking up from his subterraneous residence filled with fire, brimstone, and sulphur, so utterly miserable and hot himself, yet nonetheless proud as hell of his darling baby boy’s kid.

The legacy’s been passed down from Nazi Germany to the US, the newest fascist state, whose political power holders [masquerading as national leaders] wave the red, white, and blue in public. In private, however, they no doubt give secret salutes to Hitler with rampant Arian race mentality as they assist with full complicity in the genociding of America’s non-white undesirables, one sub-micron sized nanoparticle of Uranium oxide poison gas at a time.

May the goddesses of all indigenous and non-white peoples of America show no mercy on the creatures minus souls who sadistically continue to radioactively poison these beautiful, non-white peoples and this once pristine, ecologically life-supporting land. 

  Hawaiian activists update (Raining death on the Big Island)Submitted by papananook on January 30, 2008 -

3:30am. Here is a link to an article by Cathy Garger, some of which I will quote, along with my comments.


Although the Air Force has stated that the bombings involve dropping inert or “dummy” bombs that do not explode, increasing numbers of Hawaiians have begun a public crusade against the tropical island being used for target practice.

One concern held by Big Island activists is that B-2 pilots are not using the technology of the bombers’ weapons guidance systems that typically release bombs with precision and accuracy. Instead, pilots over Hawaii rely on gravity and wind alone to navigate the bomb drops.

The danger of un-guided bombs landing other than where intended concerns weapons expert, Bob Nichols, Project Censored Award winner, of The San Francisco Bay View. In written correspondence Nichols stated, "It is just a matter of time till the 376,000 lb heavy bombers hit a school playground or someone's house with the equivalent of a small car at 160 mph and kill no telling how many people."

In an interview with Malu Aina’s President, Jim Albertini, the peace group leader shared his concern that, beyond the threat of wayward bombs missing targets, another serious hazard concerning the grounds upon which the bombs are dropped exists.

 Albertini begins, “The issue is more than computer guided systems. The issue is that bombing and shelling at PTA has been going on for more than 50 years. For most people it appears to be a non-issue. It is out of sight and out of mind.”

My comments:Raining Death on the Big IslandHow anyone can defend the bombing runs by the Imperial US Air Force and/or the artillery barrages rained in by the Imperial US Navy from 10-20 miles offshore is beyond my comprehension. Or maybe not, since I worked at Pohakuloa for a civilian painting subcontractor for the Army back in the '70's.

I know this is anecdotal but it goes to show how the Military thinks. They clearly don't care about the people or the Aina (sacred land).While painting windows on the newly built cold weather quonset huts, I was surprised by the concussion of nearby artillery shells...well, it IS a bombing range/training facility, right? Right.

As I worked (with difficulty), I began wondering why the military needed to bomb our island paradise and did some research, asked questions here and there. I didn't last long at that cushy $20/hr. Job because of what I found out about Pohakuloa and Kaho'olawe, the other island in the group so brutally misused by the US military.

The Day I quit, there was a Capt. Inspector in my face, yelling about the paint on the screens of his precious huts and when I rold him It couldn't be helped because of the artillery concussion disturbing my otherwise steady stroke, he just said, "Get used to it, boy, well be doing a lot of it!"

Catch-22 deja-vu! Well, I wasn't a boy then, or now and wasn't the day I walked off that mountain after telling him to put his brush where the sun don't shine.This "boy" doesn't work for military assholes, not even for $20/hr.

But it didn't end there...The next Easter I was taking a Spiritual journey to hike up Mauna Kea, east of Pohakuloa TA and as I enjoyed the incredible beauty of tha mountain on a clear Easter morning, I was surprised to hear what sounded like thunder...unfortunately, it wasn't anything so benign. It was two Fighter-bombers laying out huge firestorms of what must have been napalm on the mountainside, which I don't think was even inside the boundaries of Pohakuloa TA. Kinda ruins any hope for a spiritual communion with nature, neh? After checking myself to make sure it wasn't Altitude-induced hallucinations (I was over 12,000 ft.), I once again walked down off that mountain in sadness and went to the Ocean to cleanse myself.

I felt filthy that I was an American, to tell the truth. Filthy again.But 30 years later the bombs and artillery are still falling on paradise, raining "practice" death on its citizens, and the sacred land...this is very saddening to me, personally and an outrage to the people of Hawaii.

Why DU was used there or anywhere is an outrage. Why the military has control of any part of the Big Island is an outrage.

Military madness is desroying our world and our country. The US military budget is much larger that all the other military budgets in the world COMBINED! Enough, you think, Alan, to keep us fucking SAFE?

Thanks for the article, Cathy Garger, my sister, Peace be with you...and with you, Alan Dubya Williams, peace be with you, also, even though you insist on defending the madness,And:To say that the Arab world might regard this kind of reporting as fuel for their anger is ludicrous at best...They have plenty of other pressing matters in Iraq and Afghanistan to keep that hatred of us burning, thanks to US Imperialism. How dare those Arabs hide our oil under their sand? Yikes!

I deeply appreciate Ms. Gargers articles and the continued efforts of Jim Albertini and all the people of Malu Aina. Keep up the GOOD work! Mahalo nui loa.  


Cathy Garger is a freelance writer, public speaker,  activist, and a certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living in the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is constantly nauseated by the stench emanating from the nation's capital during the Washington, DC, federal work week.

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Criminal massmurderer


911 missing links GOOGLE VIDEO 
2:05:41 - 1 jaar geleden
Now you will discover the definitive truth about 9/11 and learn why even the most popular movies on the subject have failed to address the evidence exhaustively presented in this video. The facts will make it abundantly clear that the so-called 9/11 "Truth" movement has been infiltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal group who masterminded the attacks. As they say, 'if you want to control the dissent you lead the dissent.' Utilizing evidence from the FBI, CIA, NSA, US Armed Forces Intelligence sectors, Foreign Intelligence organizations, local law enforcement agencies and independent investigators, Missing Links goes where no other 9/11 video has dared to
911 missing links GOOGLE VIDEO

The- Israeli Mossad & 9-11

by Myron Goldfarb

The crime of the century 9/11 was committed by the Israeli Mossad and the FBI and CIA and George Bush and his cabinet are all involved.

Larry Silverstein leases the trade towers seven weeks prior to 9/11 even though someone had bid $50 million more. Prior to this the Mossad were going around pretending to be Arabs.

They took flight lessons saying they didn't need to learn how to land. Then they left the Koran in cars and were in strip clubs the night before 9/11. The Israelis making sure to tell everyone they were Arabs.
We know the CIA and FBI were involved, because many agents shorted stocks on the airlines and sold options on the airlines and made millions. This should be a horrendous red flag with many agents making millions and could only have done it with prior knowledge. Then you have the FBI agents that confiscated cameras from area businesses that would have shown the missile hitting the Pentagon.
There are so many red flags that prove 9/11 is one huge lie.

Number one,they don't have any photos of all these Arab men who flew the planes in those airports.

Number two, a 757 never ever flies from Boston to California with only forty passengers. It's never been done even once before. That's why they have hubs if they need more passengers. But those planes should have left those airports with no less than 200 passengers and then they might have picked up more in Chicago or Atlanta.

This one piece of evidence proves the planes were staged to not have many passengers. Why didn't the pilots question the lack of passengers? Did they ask the airport why the lack of passengers? So if something was never done before why was it done four times on 9/11?

Then we have the fact that nobody could have used their cell phones to call, because they were traveling too fast. So this means the cell phone calls were bogus and they were staged by the Mossad or our government. Then you have the fact that the planes didn't have windows and had a pod underneath and no markings. This means they weren't 757s belonging to those airlines. Then the jets hit the side of the buildings and they hit steel girders but not one piece of the wings or fuselage fell off. 

One huge piece of evidence is the fact that when the planes hit they were loaded with kerosene and there should have been hundreds of gallons of kerosene on fire streaming to the ground. But if you look at the videos there isn't any fuel falling. It's just a fireball and nothing more. 
In several videos you can clearly see the thermite as it is burning and throwing off showers of sparks prior to the explosions. Then you can clearly see flash explosives going off as the buildings fall and you can see explosives blowing out 200' from the buildings. 

The truth be known, none of the planes that left the airport were involved in the crashes. Did the people even board planes or were they simply loaded on buses and taken out of the airports?

The fact that CIA and FBI agents profited from 9/11 is clearly evident by paper trails. The videos show all the evidence we need that there was explosives in the building. Arabs could not have placed the explosives. This leaves Larry Silverstein and the Mossad. 

Once again the Arabs are blamed for a crime committed by the Mossad. But if the Arabs had committed 9/11, what were they wanting to accomplish?
The fact is the buildings needed to have the asbestos removed. This would cost many millions of dollars and taken years. So the buildings had become obsolete and what better way for Larry Silverstein to make a few billion? To make us hate the Arabs and have the Patriot Act written weeks in advance and all ready to sign by lawmakers who weren't allowed to even read it.

Now we have one million more federal agents. We have FEMA camps in place. All we need is another attack.
I hope the Arabs are ready, because there is going to be another attack and they will be blamed for it. The Mossad probably is putting everything in place at the moment. People are wondering what will they destroy this time?

Because there was a CIA agent who was tailing Israelis who had a small nuke bomb like the one the Mossad used in Bali.

He was chasing them down and was killed by the local police. Strange how a CIA agent with more power over the local police was gunned down like that.

So apparently we already have a bomb in the USA. So it would seem they are going to bomb something in the southern parts.

 Maybe an oil refinery outdated and slated for destruction? Who knows? But we have everything in place and ready to show the gullible Americans what this NEW World O
rder is all about. Maybe it is another name for Communism?

Myron Goldfarb is the pen name of a Jew who doesn't like what he sees.

Myron adds:

Henry, I did forget about tower seven. A building that just fell to the ground. after Larry Silverstein said, they were going to pull the building. Some of this stuff is so blatant you wonder why the American people haven't stormed the White House and held the lawmakers hostage and demanded the people responsible for 9/11 haven't been arrested. 
Then you have a plane that crashes in Pennsylvania and all there is is a hole in the ground. No wreckage. Clearly this was a missile that crashed and they say it was a 757 and it vaporized on impact and maybe half the population believe this nonsense. 
You might have seen the clear footage of the plane that landed in the Hudson River? Did you notice the video compared to what we saw from the Pentagon? The government had nothing to hide so they released the photo, but the most guarded building in the world showed us only a  fireball and clearly it was a missile. 
This Larry Silverstein you can only wonder what the people would do to him if they were told the truth. This must be one powerful Jew. I mean he can lease buildings and then implode them with dynamite and isn't charged with lacing a building with dynamite with people inside. I'm sure it's illegal to do this. It seems the FBI spend more time and trouble going after people like Matt Hale and Edgar Steele. What did these people do? They both wrote books about Jews.
 It seems that all these people like Rush Limbaugh who constantly tell us about the government and the president is nothing more than a rouse. Rush talked daily about Bill Clinton and the Democrats. But it's just for show. But you'll notice Rush says nothing not a word about Jews. 

Henry, what many people don't know is on  9/11 there were many crimes. They stole all the gold from under the trade towers. The Mossad detonated  micro nukes under the towers like they did in Bali. this was done to destroy everything and this was still burning weeks later. The reason for taking out tower seven was it held all the evidence of the Enron investigation. It had the records of the IRS of criminal investigations. So 9/11 was well planned out in advance. Many things like the bombs in the buildings can't be blamed on Arabs. The poor Arabs can't win as long as the Jews want to destroy them. 

The American people should keep demanding answers. They should ridicule Bush wherever he gives  a speech. Because he is responsible for 9/11. Although he should be executed for his crimes. The video they have on him in that school on 9/11 is proof he knew in advance.

Polemiek naar aanleiding van de gebeurtenissen vóór en ná 11 september 2001 - feiten en analyses   19 mei 2008, Hans de Jong
ZEITGEIST, THE MOVIE (ook met Nederlandse ondertiteling)
The President Of 9/11
2008 - $700 billion robbery


Taliban InThe White House 20-12-2004

De escapades van de CIA
12 '9/11' vragen

Balkenende, de Hoop Scheffer en Bot

Art, Truth and Politics

verarmd uranium
Bush Administration's Involvement in Bombing Pan Am 103 (LOCKERBIE)

onvervalste nieuwe nazi's?
Het intellectuele debat
buitenlandse politiek van Nederland
An Average Day in Afghanistan the reality of war in Iraq How to stop
the New WorldOrder
- Masons crimes immediately

Bali 12 oktober 2002
vertekende werkelijkheid

Twin Towers en Pentagon 11/09/2001
The killing of Hussein’s sons: the  Nuremberg precedent and the criminalization of the US ruling elite Killing Saddam & His Family It Won't Stop Killing of US Troops U.S. SPENT $550 MILLION TO  MAKE AIDS

USA wiped out world heritage completely

Iraq War Timeline

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Skull & Bones'
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Aantal burgerdoden in Irak ruim

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US-troops killing--civilian Iraqi's--for nothing

Coalition of the Killing

Geschenken uit de hemel

What Bush Didn't (Want To) Know About 9/11
Aznar, Bush en Blair

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The Seeds of Iraq's Future Terror
271003 Clark responds to Kosovo questions Speaking of Nazis 
Bush-Nazilink confirmed
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Herverkiezing van Bush betekent 'eternal war'
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many Iraqis associate the United Nations with "the devastating sanctions"  Hutton Rapport

Marinus van der Lubbe en Zacarias Moussaoui
Paranoid shift by Michael Hasty
8 March 2004
911_the road to tyranny 
realmedia video

What They Knew And When They  Knew It...
German Nazi Scientologists attacked New York, not Osama Bin Laden
USA:  BAD human-rights records
US soldiers raping Iraqi prisoners
Sinds de oprichting door vrijmetselaars van de USA in de 18e eeuw is het land
permanent betrokken in wereldwijde intriges en oorlogshitserij.
Wij, Europeanen, moeten de USA eeuwig dankbaar zijn voor de bevrijding van de nazi-terreur, terwijl we tegelijkertijd
weten dat met de Skull&Bones - sponsoring aan Hitler en zijn NSDAP  de USA de feitelijke veroorzaker zijn van de
Tweede Wereldoorlog. (Zie Averell Harriman & Prescott Bush)

Twin Towers en Pentagon op 11 september 2001
De aanslagen op het World Trade Centre en het Pentagon zijn een staaltje van briljant vakmanschap, uitgevoerd door "islamitische kapers" met niet meer ervaring dan het kortstondig vliegen met een éénmotorig vliegtuigje. Toch weten ze beiden perfect BEIDE Twin Towers binnen te vliegen en bovendien als derde het best beveiligde gebouw op aarde op precies die plek te raken die net is gerenoveerd.
De schade aan het Pentagon lijkt precies op die van een kruisraket in plaats van die van een behoorlijk groot verkeersvliegtuig. Kijk maar naar de schade veroorzaakt door de El-Al  Boeing in Amsterdam op 4 oktober 1992.  Het complete 6 verdiepingen tellende flatgebouw is van boven tot beneden ingestort. Men moet wel buitengewoon goedgelovig zijn om het totale officiële verhaal te slikken. Het resultaat van bijna (?) 3000 doden is volgens de leugens van de regering van de VS een "offer" op de weg naar een wereldwijde politiestaat. Bij dit "offer" moeten worden opgeteld de honderdduizenden doden in Afghanistan en Irak.
Er zijn bewijzen dat de Twin Towers en gebouw 7 simpelweg zijn gesmolten als gevolg van ondergrondse nucleaire explosies, de thermiet is gebruikt als "hulp"

Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of The World Trade Centre (Analysis William Tahil)

Een combinatie van thermiet en drie ondergrondse nucleaire explosies hebben WTC 1,2 en 7 vernietigd
New York

Verder is in de USA de "PATRIOT ACT" ingevoerd, ofwel de wet die de totale nazificatie van de USA veroorzaakt.
De Patriot act is in volstrekte tegenspraak met de USA grondwet. De door de USA zelf georganiseerde aanslag op het WTC
geeft Bush en zijn clique carte blanche, waardoor hun illuminati  THE New World Order een enorme stap naderbij is gekomen.

Alleen al vanwege de verplichting aan die 3000 doden zou je verwachten dat na deze daad van terrorisme precies werd uitgezocht:
1. waren de betreffende kapers wel in die vliegtuigen? (er is nog steeds geen enkel bewijs geleverd)
2. waarom en hoe kunnen onervaren piloten plotseling perfect vliegen?
3. waarom en hoe kunnen de FBI, CIA, NSA, FAA, FEMA en NORAD plotseling volstrekt
perfect falen?
4. waarom werden de vliegtuigen op afstand bediend via in deze vliegtuigen ingebouwde FMS (Flight Management System)?
5. waarom werd via ACARS* van DARPA** tegelijkertijd alle overige communicatie uitgeschakeld? (behalve FMS)
6. waarom stortte het 4e vliegtuig neer? 
7. waarom werd het 4e vliegtuig neergehaald omdat het tijdschema niet meer klopte? (in de echte wereld: ´flight 93´ explodeerde in de lucht!)
8. waarom zijn alle ´zwarte dozen´ onbruikbaar gemaakt?
9. waarom zijn geen nabijgelegen atoomcentrales als doel gekozen? (veel grotere schade en veel meer doden door opgeslagen atoomafval)
10.  waarom zat er maar zo´n klein gaatje in de muur van het Pentagon? (vergelijk de Bijlmerramp)
11. waarom en hoe konden de twintowers zo perfect instorten?
12. waarom en hoe is gebouw 7 van het world trade centrum zo perfect ingestort?

etc. etc : allemaal vragen uit de "echte wereld"  die de logica gebiedt te beantwoorden

Helaas voltrok 9/11 zich in de mystieke wereld van vrijmetselaars, rozekruisers en skull_bones.
Daar hebben gewone stervelingen als wij zijn totaal geen besef van.
In deze exclusieve wereld zijn de wetten voor de thermodynamica niet geldig. In deze
wereld storten solide geconstrueerde stalen gebouwen ineens spontaan in elkaar.

Zo kan je dus nog een poosje doorgaan, nu, 9 jaar later, is nog niks opgelost.
Het mystieke is dat ook alle kranten  en tijdschriften in Nederland zwijgen als de graftombe van Skull&Bones.
*ACARS = Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
**DARPA = Defence Advanced Projects Agency

Dit idiote cynische artikel verscheen in 2006 in het NRC Handelsblad, tot nu toe (2010)
zijn de  in het artikel genoemde "feiten" door het NRC Handelsblad niet herroepen.
Behalve de feitelijke onjuistheden bevat het artikel ook nog eens een aantal mystieke
aannames, speculerend op  een grote mate van overschilligheid bij het NRC lezende publiek.
Het vergelijken van een B25 bommenwerper tegen de Empire State Building in 1945
met een 767 tegen de twintowers slaat nergens op. De constructie van de twintowers is
vele malen rigider dan Knip de lezer wil doen geloven.. Je hoeft geen complotdenker te zijn
om direct te zien dat de regeringsverklaring gelogen is. Wat Knip hier doet is achteraf een
verklaring verzinnen.


Door Karel Knip

Dikke mist hing er zaterdag 28 juli 1945 boven New York. Zo dik dat luitenant-kolonel William Smith, met zijn B-25 bommenwerper op weg naar Newark om er zijn commandant op te pikken, volkomen de weg kwijt raakte. Opeens bleek hij boven vliegveld LaGuardia te vliegen.

Land hier maar, riep LaGuardia, want verderop is de mist zo dik dat wij het Empire State Building niet eens kunnen zien.

Daar had de overste geen zin in. Hij liet zijn toestel flink zakken om onder de wolken te kunnen kijken en merkte toen dat hij al tussen de wolkenkrabbers van Manhattan vloog. Alleen een woeste ruk aan de stuurknuppel voorkwam een botsing met het New York Central Building. Kort daarna dook hij in de 79ste verdieping van het Empire State Building. De bommenwerper sloeg een gat van 5,5 bij 6 meter. De ontbranding van de kerosine veroorzaakte een vuurzee.

Er vielen veertien slachtoffers maar het Empire State Building bleef overeind en is tot op de dag van vandaag in gebruik.

Wat heeft dat gebouw dat de Twin Towers niet hadden, dat is de vraag waar velen zich nu beroepshalve of uit liefhebberij mee bezig houden. Is er iets gebeurd met de Twin Towers dat wij niet mogen weten, waren er misschien vooraf explosieven aangebracht?

Het zijn niet alleen theologen of malacologen die daarin de tanden zetten, er zitten ook technici onder.

Wat het Empire State Building sowieso meer had was ‘body’. Uit een losse opgave blijkt dat er per kubieke meter kantoorgebouw (alles meegerekend) ongeveer 630 kilo materiaal in was verwerkt.

Moderne kantoren worden veel lichter gebouwd, hun soortelijke massa is vaak maar 140 kilo per m3. Uit de bouwgegevens van de Twin Towers (die ongeveer 510.000 ton zouden wegen) volgt dat deze zo’n 300 kilo per m3 aan materiaal bevatten.

Een ander verschil is dat de Towers een zwaardere klap te absorberen kregen. Het gewicht van een volgetankte Boeing 767 komt makkelijk boven de 100 ton, de B-25 haalt maar net de 10 ton.

Ook vlogen de Boeings met 780 kilometer per uur ruim twee keer zo snel als destijds de B-25. Per inslag kregen de Twin Towers wel meer dan 60 keer zoveel energie te absorberen als het Empire State Building in 1945. En er ontbrandde veel meer kerosine. Toch kwam de totale ineenstorting van de gebouwen als een verrassing. De gangbare complottheorie is daarom dat de gebouwen zijn opgeblazen met explosieven die vooraf stiekem naar binnen waren gebracht. De getrainde complotdenker kan tientallen aanwijzingen voor het gebruik van springmiddelen opsommen: er zijn knallen gehoord, er waren rare rookwolkjes, er is gesmolten staal gevonden terwijl staal niet smelt in een kerosinebrand, enzovoort, enzovoort.

Sommige thuiswerkende technici hebben zich afgevraagd of de fatale instorting van de Towers niet te snel verliep en of er wel voldoende energie beschikbaar was voor de waargenomen verschijnselen. Zij maken in hun analyse gebruik van eenvoudige fysica.

De Canadese fysisch chemicus Frank Greening heeft veel gemeten en gerekend aan de instorttijd. Uit de verspreide verklaringen en films valt af te leiden dat de torens, toen ze eenmaal gingen vallen, binnen 8 tot hooguit 18 seconden op de grond lagen.

Complotdenkers vinden dit te snel, het is alsof alle etages tegelijk in vrije val raken en dat is verdacht, zeggen ze. Maar met HBS-mechanica valt aan te tonen dat een toren van 410 meter die momentaan in vrije val raakt er hoogstens 9 seconden voor nodig heeft om op de grond te komen. Het aannemelijkst is dat de torens in werkelijkheid 11 tot 13 seconden over het instorten deden: beduidend langer. Op foto’s is te zien dat ze wel degelijk bij de vrije valsnelheid van weggeslingerd puin achterblijven.

Ook zijn er seismogrammen waaruit deze instorttijd is af te leiden. De torens, die elk 110 verdiepingen telden, stortten volgens Greening in twee fasen in. Toren 1 werd getroffen in verdieping 96. De stapel van 14 verdiepingen daarboven is het langst in tact gebleven.

Toen het instorten begon klapte de stapel op vloer 95 (waarbij een afstand van 3,7 meter werd afgelegd).

Het geheel verenigde zich met die vloer en schoof door naar vloer 94, enzovoort, tot aan de grond. Dit is de eerste fase. Als uiteindelijk de grond is bereikt storten ook nog de 14 bovenste vloeren op elkaar: eerst vloer 97 op 96, dan vloer 98 op 97, tot aan 110. Dit is de tweede fase.

Greening heeft uitgerekend hoelang dit domino-effect kon duren als de reis van vloer naar vloer steeds in vrije val verliep. Hij hanteert de wet van impulsbehoud (m.v is constant) en neemt aan dat het bezwijken van de dragende constructie geen tijd kostte. Voor de eerste fase komt hij uit op 11,6 seconde, voor de tweede op 1,0. Samen 12,6 seconden. Explosieven waren dus niet aanwezig, concludeert hij.

Verrassend zijn de energetische beschouwingen.

Voor de verwoesting van de torens waren goedbeschouwd maar drie energiebronnen beschikbaar. De belangrijkste is de potentiële energie die in de massa lag opgeslagen, te berekenen met de befaamde formule m.g.h. De software engineer Jim Hoffman, een milde complotdenker, komt uit op ongeveer 4.10^11 joules – een AW schatting komt twee keer zo hoog uit.

Van belang is dat de kinetische energie van de vliegtuigen (zo’n 2.10^9 joules) erbij in het niet valt. De energie-inhoud van de kerosine niet: uit de circa 30 ton kerosine die beschikbaar was kon wel 12.10^11 joule vrijkomen. Maar aangenomen wordt dat driekwart buiten de torens bleef en dat de rest heel onvolledig verbrandde.

De taak is te berekenen hoeveel energie is nodig geweest voor de destructie van de torens. Veel energie is als hitte achtergebleven in het puin en ook de verpulvering van beton en verdamping van water kostte veel joules. Hoffman heeft een heel elegante methode bedacht om uit de foto’s van de stofwolken te berekenen hoeveel lucht er is verhit.

Het idee is: is veel meer energie verbruikt dan er beschikbaar was dan kan die alleen van springstof komen. De AW-redactie verwacht er niet veel: bij de explosie van 10 ton TNT komt maar 4.10^10 joule vrij. De onzekerheid in de beschikbare kerosine-energie is veel groter.