Not everybody is sure that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist acts

          Terrorist number one has suddenly found a high-ranking protector: the President of
          Pakistan. Perves Musharraf said that he is not certain that the September 11 terrorist
          acts were organized by Osama bin Laden.

          According to Reuters, the Pakistani president said in an interview to the New Yorker
          that he does not believe it to be possible. The president cannot believe that Osama bin
          Laden, while sitting in the Afghan mountains, organized such an attack. He could be a sponsor or a motivating force;
          however, the people who launched the attacks were much more up-to-date, because they knew the United States, and
          they knew the aircraft, Musharraf said. He believes that the plan was created by someone else.

          The Pakistani president is not the only person who doubts bin Laden's role in the terrorist acts. Three months ago, French
          writer Thierry Meyssan published his book L'Effroyable imposture (An Awful Deception), in which he calls into question
          the version of bin Laden's implication in the September 11 events. In Meyssan's view, the terrorist acts were organized
          by representatives of some extreme right-wing groups who occupy high posts in the US government and the
          military-industrial complex. However, Meyssan could not give their names.

          In addition, some journalists and public figures (mostly people belonging to right-wing nationalist circles) hinted at the
          Mossad's implication in organizing the terrorist acts. However, these accusations have not been proven.

          As for Musharraf's statement, two questions appear: why did the president suddenly start to speak about his doubts of
          bin Laden's guilt, and, if not bin Laden, who was behind the terrorist acts?

          The first question can be answered easily. As is well known, the US special services and army are actively searching
          for bin Laden everywhere, including on Pakistani territory. Also, it looks like Washington believes that bin Laden is hiding
          in Pakistan. This was why search operations have become more active on Pakistani territory. However, this brings about
          the anger of of Pakistani radicals and the military. The army is Musharraf's main support, and, of course, he does not
          want to lose it. Therefore, the president makes such statements. Washington seems to be tolerant of these statements
          and has not commentted on them.

          As for the second question, who there are some problems. The Pakistani president did not provide any answers. Islamic
          fundamentalists are supposed to be the masterminds of the terrorist acts, who are not connected with Al-Qaida or
          Osama bin Laden. It could also have been Al-Qaida militants who acted independently. Actually, there could be many

          All the same, not everybody is sure that bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist acts, and the Pakistani
          president belongs to this group, even if his statement was the result of his wish not to lose the support of his people.

          Vasily Bubnov

          Translated by Vera Solovieva
