• Subject:  U.S. Scientist Alleges Deadly DU Cover-Up >
       Date:   Sat, 6 Jan 2001 21:43:38 -0800 (PST)
       From:  Rick Rozoff <r_rozoff@yahoo.com>
         To:    r_rozoff@yahoo.com


    Sunday Herald (Scotland)
    7 January 2001 

    Allies 'told in 1991 of uranium cancer risks'
    Leaked documents back cover-up claim. Exclusive, by
    Felicity Arbuthnott and Neil Mackay. 
    Publication Date: Jan 7 2001
    THE Pentagon scientist who briefed Britain and America
    on the lethal health risks to Western troops of using
    depleted-uranium (DU) shells claims he warned the
    allied powers as far back as 1991 that the explosives
    could cause cancer, mental illness and birth defects.
    Professor Doug Rokke, ex- director of the Pentagon's
    Depleted-Uranium Project, says the USA and UK have
    covered up the hazards , despite the rising death toll
    among allied troops who fought in the Gulf from
    illnesses linked to DU exposure, including Gulf War
    syndrome. The UN Environment Programme has also found
    traces of radiation at eight sites in Kosovo hit by
    Nato DU shells. 
    The Sunday Herald has been passed a restricted MoD
    document dated February 25, 1991 - four days before
    the Gulf War ceasefire. It states that full protective
    clothing and respirators should be worn when close to
    DU shells and that human remains exposed to DU should
    be hosed down before disposal.
    The document - coded 25/22/40/2 - says inhalation or
    ingestion of particles from shells is a health risk
    and exposure should be treated as "exposure to lead
    oxide". DU dust on food would result in contamination.

    Rokke , a former professor of environmental science at
    Jacksonville University, was tasked by the US
    department of defence with organising the DU clean-up
    of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait after the Gulf War.
    Rokke, a former US army colonel , also briefed the
    Commons Defence Select Committee on the risks of DU in
    "Since 1991, numerous US department of defence reports
    have stated that the consequences of DU were unknown,"
    he said. "That is a lie. They were told. They were
    Rokke gave military personnel briefings on the hazards
    of DU shells . "I can confirm that medical and
    tactical commanders knew all the hazards," he said.
    In Saudi Arabia, Rokke and his men buried vehicles and
    contaminated body parts and shipped other equipment
    back to a nuclear decontamination facility in the US.
    At least 10 men died. The only man in the 50-strong
    team not to fall ill wore full radioactive protective
    Rokke suffers reactive airway disease, neurological
    damage and kidney problems. "DU is the stuff of
    nightmares," he said. "It is toxic, radioactive and
    pollutes for 4500 million years. It causes lymphoma ,
    neuro-psychotic disorders and short-term memory
    damage. In semen, it causes birth defects and trashes
    the immune system.
    "The United States and British military personnel, as
    part of Nato, wilfully disregarded health and safety
    and the environment by their use of DU, resulting in
    severe health effects, including death. I and my
    colleagues warned the US and British officials that
    this would occur. They disregarded our warnings
    because to admit any correlation between exposure and
    health effects would make them liable for their
    actions wherever these weapons have been used ."
    The Sunday Herald has seen a memo from the Los Alamos
    National Laboratory in New Mexico , dated March 1,
    1991. It is from a Lieutenant-Colonel M V Ziehman to a
    Major Larson. Headed "The Effectiveness of Depleted
    Uranium Penetrators", it reads: "There has been, and
    continues to be, a concern regarding the impact of DU
    on the environment. If no-one makes the case for the
    effectiveness of DU on the battlefields, DU rounds may
    become politically unacceptable and be deleted from
    the arsenal."
    A document from the US defence nuclear agency from
    1992 described DU particles as a "serious health
    Rokke says field measurements of DU in Iraq were
    around 200 millirads an hour. The US has designated a
    year's safety limit of just 100 millirads. 
    Shaun Rusling of the Gulf War Veterans' and Families'
    Association said 521 British servicemen have died of
    Gulf War syndrome to date. Bruce George, Labour
    chairman of the Commons defence committee, said
    yesterday that an MoD investigation was a matter of
    urgency. The committee meets on January 10, and is
    expected to call on defence secretary Geoff Hoon to
    give evidence . However, an MoD spokesman said last
    night: "We are unaware of anything that shows depleted
    uranium has caused any ill health or death." 

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