ADHD, Dyslexie en MBD:  Ritalin de panacee?
(Wat, als de a.s. moeder amalgaamvullingen heeft?)
symptomen bij kleine kinderen toxic metal clue to autism mercury allegies - thimerosal wiegedood (sids) leer- en gedragsproblemen sinds de 2e wereldoorlog Risperdal Ritaline Thimerosal belangrijkste oorzaak autisme
Mother's Poisoning Their Children! Massavaccinatie tegen baarmoederhalskanker bij meisjes

Amalgaam archief

Hans de Jonge
Het lijkt erop dat de kinderen in deze tijd op alle mogelijke manieren moeten worden bestreden. De volgende stoffen zijn bij de meeste mensen wel bekend
maar een associatie
ontbreekt bijna altijd met de giftige werking: aspartaam,
fluor, thimerosal in vaccins,
amalgaamvullingen, risperdal, ritaline - allemaal
stoffen met negatieve langetermijngevolgen
voor de gezondheid van kinderen.
Veel kinderen gebruiken mobieltjes: electromagnetische golven verstoren de
hersenactiviteit en veroorzaken chemische veranderingen in de hersencellen.
In de baarmoeder wordt het embryo vanaf het allervroegste stadium door het kwik

uit de amalgaamvullingen van de moeder vergiftigd. Dit leidt tot allerlei (ook genetische)
beschadigingen van de cellen waardoor de ontwikkeling van diverse organen m.n. van de
hersenen wordt geremd. Via de placenta neemt het kind kwik uit het bloed van de
moeder op alsof dit een voedingsstof is. Dit mechanisme werkt zodanig dat de moeder zich
tijdens de zwangerschap vaak stukken beter voelt omdat het kind met de voedingsstoffen
ook haar gif opneemt w.o. kwik. Het snel groeiende kind gedraagt zich als een stofzuiger voor
de moeder en ziet kwik dus als een voedingsstof wat dan in o.a. de hersenen wordt ingebouwd.
Uiterst merkwaardig waarom dit geen hot item binnen de gezondheidszorg is.

De hoeveelheid kwik vanuit de amalgaamvullingen kan in sommige gevallen zo hoog zijn
dat het kind sterft in de baarmoeder. De vergiftiging van de baby wordt na de geboorte
voortgezet als de moeder het kind zoogt. Via de moedermelk krijgt het kind vervolgens
dus weer een dagelijkse portie kwik. Een onbekend aantal kinderen wordt ernstig beschadigd
door het kwik uit de amalgaamvullingen van de moeder. Een verdere vergiftiging vindt plaats
via INENTINGEN omdat in de vaccins als anti-bacterieel middel Thimerosal wordt gebruikt,
dat voor ongeveer 50% uit kwik bestaat. (ethyl mercuric chloride, thiosalicylic acid, sodium
hydroxide and ethanol)
In een recente studie (8 juli 2004) wordt vastgesteld dat AUTISME

wordt veroorzaakt door het kwik in vaccins.

Door de lange halfwaardetijd kan het kwik tientallen jaren in de hersenen

(ook bij kinderen) aanwezig blijven. Uiteindelijk wordt het kind behandeld
met medicijnen: minimaal 100 000 kinderen in Nederland krijgen Ritalin, waarmee de hersenen
van het kind nog verder worden gedeformeerd. De bijwerkingen van Ritalin voor de zich
ontwikkelende hersenen zijn grotendeels onbekend.
De risee in de kinderbehandeling is Risperdal, een anti-psychoticum voor volwassenen bedoeld.
De ernstige bijwerkingen zijn o.a. tarditieve dyskinesie, een beruchte irreversibele bijwerking,
bekend uit de psychiatrische ziekenhuizen. Wederom is onbekend wat het Risperdal gebruik
voor gevolgen heeft in het latere leven van een kind. Honderdduizenden kinderen in Europa en
Amerika slikken Ritalin of Risperdal. Dat is een zeer beangstigende ontwikkeling voor de
toekomst. Het verstandigste zou zijn om deze kinderen te ontgiften waarbij gelet wordt op zware
metalen zoals kwik uit de amalgaamvullingen
van de moeder, maar ook op lood uit waterleidingen en benzine, dioxines, pcb's etc.
uit voedsel. De artsenopleiding is helaas niet toegerust om deze problematiek te behandelen
waardoor de meeste artsen slechts symptoombestrijding kunnen verrichten.

Symptomen bij kleine kinderen door het kwik uit de amalgaamvullingen van de moeder:

(deze lijst is bij lange na niet kompleet)

epilepsie - status epilepticus, grand mal, petit mal

voortdurend huilen in de babytijd

sids (sudden infant death syndrome) - wiegedood



Autism Spectrum Disorders


aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit




diverse andere mentale afwijkingen


allerlei allergieën en voedselintoleranties

chronisch eczeem

slecht slapen

slecht drinken


freq. middenoorontsteking m.a.g. doofheid

chronische luchtweginfecties (ontstoken ring van Waldeier)


onverklaarbare moeheid

slecht eten

slecht humeur



aangeboren oogafwijkingen

aangeboren doofheid (soms enkelzijdige doofheid)

diverse andere aangeboren afwijkingen

ernstige 'erfelijke' stofwisselingsziekten zoals ADH, PKU, CF etc

<>Hersenbeschadigingen waarvoor tegenwoordig Ritalin en Risperdal wordt gegeven kunnen worden veroorzaakt door
kwik in de hersenen bij het kind afkomstig uit de amalgaamvullingen van de moeder. Het is al lang bekend dat kinderen
met leerproblemen vaak afkomstig zijn uit industrieel vervuilde gebieden. De baarmoeder van een moeder met
amalgaamvullingen is voor het kind net zo'n vervuild gebied, vervolgens wordt het kind via de moedermelk op nog
langere termijn vergiftigd, omdat kwik via de melkklieren wordt uitgescheiden. Het gebruik van
Thimerosal in vaccins maakt de beschadiging van het jonge kind door kwikvergiftiging nog een graadje erger. De berichten over kinderen die na vaccinatie
autistisch worden zijn niet te tellen.  Ritalin en Risperdal zorgen voor een nóg verder voortwoekerende hersenbeschadiging met een
volstrekt onbekend
langetermijngevolg. Risperdal is een anti-psychoticum voor korte symptoombehandeling van volwassenen en
wordt zonder scrupules als langeduurbehandeling aan kleine kinderen gegeven. Met de zeer ernstige bijwerkingen moet de werking
zeer dubieus genoemd worden.
e-mail bericht zondag 2 juni 2002  "kees" <>
Dr. Williamson and his colleague, Jordan Davis, M.D., say toxicity due to mercury amalgams is pandemic in our society—yet hardly
anybody understands or appreciates that fact. As it turns out, mercury toxicity could provide a significant explanation for the explosion in
learning and behavioral problems, autism and a whole host of other conditions since World War II—that 55-year period corresponds to the
introduction and widespread use of mercury amalgam.

Dr. Williamson en zijn collega Jordan Davis. MD zegt dat vergiftiging door kwik uit amalgaam pandemisch is in onze samenleving. 
Tegenwoordig begrijpt of onderschrijft bijna niemand dit probleem. Toch kan kwikvergiftiging een zeer plausibele verklaring 
zijn voor de explosie van leer- en gedragsproblemen, autisme plus nog zeer veel andere problemen sinds de 2e wereldoorlog. 
Deze 55 jarige periode correspondeert precies met de grootscheepse invoering en het wereldwijd toepassen van kwikamalgaam.

ADHD, Dyslexie en MBD.  Ritalin de panacee?
"Lead and the brain".

Powered by
teller sinds 2 augustus 2002
Toxic metal clue to autism
19:00 18 June 03
Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition

A study of mercury levels in the baby hair of children who were later 
diagnosed with autism has produced startling results. The babies had far 
lower levels of mercury in their hair than other infants, leading to 
speculation that autistic children either do not absorb mercury or, more 
likely, cannot excrete it.

The results will be seized upon by parents who blame vaccines containing 
the mercury-based preservative thimerosal for their children's autism, some 
of whom are suing health authorities in the US and Canada. (The MMR vaccine 
that some accuse of triggering autism, despite a lack of credible evidence, 
does not contain mercury.)

But while the study's findings support the theory that some children have a 
genetic fault that makes them far more susceptible to mercury poisoning, 
the results certainly do not prove this, or that thimerosal is involved.

The difference in mercury levels in hair may be a sign of a more general 
problem in dealing with metals or it could simply be an anomaly that 
reveals little about what is happening elsewhere in the body.

But if the results are confirmed, the conclusions of studies looking at the 
safety of low levels of mercury (New Scientist print edition, 14 June) 
could also be called into question. Many of these studies relied on mercury 
levels in hair as a measure of exposure.

First cuttings

Autism experts say the findings are intriguing, but all emphasise the need 
for further studies. Although the findings are to be published in a 
peer-reviewed journal, some critics say the results are rather too 
striking, and point out that the researchers who did the work all believe 
that thimerosal is to blame for autism.

The team leader, Louisiana doctor Amy Holmes, in fact set out to try to 
prove that autistic children had been exposed to high levels of mercury. 
She obtained baby hair from parents who had kept the first cuttings and 
sent off a few samples for analysis. To her surprise, mercury levels were 

Holmes has now done a bigger study, comparing mercury levels in first baby 
haircuts from 94 autistic children with those of 45 other children. The 
mean level in the baby hair of children later diagnosed as autistic was 
0.47 parts per million, compared with 3.63 ppm in the others, the team 
found - nearly nine-tenths lower.

What is more, the more severe the autism, the lower the mercury levels. The 
mean levels of children with mild, moderate and severe autism were 0.79, 
0.46 and 0.21 ppm respectively.

Fillings and fish

Most of this mercury came from the mothers. The main sources of exposure, 
according to the team, were mercury amalgam fillings, Rho D immunoglobulin 
injections containing thimerosal given to Rhesus negative mothers, and 
heavy consumption of fish (defined as more than five fish meals a month).

In the control group, hair mercury rose in line with the mothers' exposure. 
But the baby hair of autistic children had consistently low mercury levels, 
even when the mothers' exposure was high, the team found. The results will 
appear in the International Journal of Toxicology in September.

One explanation, says team member Mark Blaxill of the campaign group 
SafeMinds of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is a problem with metal uptake. If 
so, autistic children might also be deficient in metals essential for brain 
development such as zinc, iron and copper.

Alternatively, some children may have a problem excreting mercury. The 
metal might then build up in the brain, producing autism. Most mercury is 
excreted in urine and faeces, but the lack of mercury in hair might be a 
sign that the metal is being retained in cells rather than getting into the 
blood, the researchers suggest.

Mercury is one of the suspected causes of autism, with proponents arguing 
that there are many similarities between autism and mercury poisoning. But 
a review published earlier in 2003 pointed out that poisoning by the 
different forms of mercury found in fish, fillings and thimerosal has
effects distinct from autism, and concluded that what little evidence there 
is does not support any link.

'Loaded to the gills'

Despite this, some doctors, including Holmes, have been experimenting with 
giving autistic children metal-binding agents, or chelators, to rid the 
body of heavy metals. "They are loaded to the gills with metals," Holmes, 
who was unavailable for comment, claimed in 2002. The only published 
evidence, however, is a very small study from 1976 suggesting autistic 
children have higher levels of lead in their blood.

Critics such as child neurologist Emanuel Dicicco-Bloom of the Robert Wood 
Johnson Medical School in New Jersey says concluding that autistic children 
accumulate mercury on the basis of low levels in hair is a big logical leap 
that is not justified by the evidence.

Even some of those who blame heavy metals such as mercury for autism echo 
his warnings not to try potentially dangerous therapies such as chelation. 
Parents should wait for the results of the clinical trials about to begin,
they say.

And Dicicco-Bloom's colleague Mike Gochfield, who does mercury testing, 
says that the levels of mercury in the control group are way above what he 
would expect for children in the US. Blaxill's response is that no one has 
ever tested first baby haircuts before, so there are no "normal" results to 
compare to.

The lab that did the testing was not told which children the samples were 
from, he adds. And according to unpublished work by Steve Lindow and Steve 
Haslow at the University of Hull in the UK, hair mercury levels in newborns 
can be even higher than in the mother.

Active transport

They suspect that mothers may actively transport metals to the fetus. But 
on average the first baby hair in Holmes' study was cut at 18 months old, 
so this would not explain the high levels in the controls.

Astonishingly, only one other published study, from 1985, has compared 
mercury levels in the hair of children with and without autism. That study 
found no difference, but it did find lower levels of metals such as 
calcium, copper and chromium - levels that were so distinctive they could 
be used as a "diagnostic tool for autism".

Other experts say the theory that autistic children are particularly at 
risk from heavy metals is at least plausible. "This kind of 
gene-environment interaction is not incompatible with the known 
heritability of autism," says Simon Baron-Cohen of Cambridge University. 
"If these results hold up, metal studies on the brain could be revealing."

Richard Lathe and Michael Le Page

*Mercury Preservative in Childhood Vaccines Increases Autism Risk
*Gezondheid/Health | 23 Juni 2004

A recent study concluded thimerosal, a mercury preservative commonly found in some childhood vaccines, can spur the development of autism-like damage in autoimmune-disease- susceptible mice. This model is the first to show low doses of mercury can lead to behavioral and neurological alterations in developing brains. It also supports previous studies demonstrating that environmental triggers and genetic factors affect the risk of autism.

Interest in the link between mercury and autism isn’t surprising, because genetic factors alone don’t account for the tenfold climb in autism over the past two decades. Over the course of the study, researchers found the mice exposed to thimerosal showed many behavioral and neuropathological features of autism disorders:

Larger brain sizes

Limited ranges of behaviors in addition to a decreased exploration of environments Abnormal responses to unique environments Deviations in brain architecture affecting areas that control emotions and thought The cumulative exposure to mercury through other sources, including pre-birth exposure to fish, can also lead to damage. Why? The brain can suffer from exposure to toxins that have disappeared long before symptoms are noticed.

For the study, thimerosal testing on mice was developed by using the nation’ s immunization schedule for children, with doses based on the weights of U.S. boys ages 1, 2, 4 and 6. Although thimerosal is still used in some flu vaccines, its presence has been reduced in the past few years, according to researchers.

Finding the link between genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers for autism is important, researchers said, because it promotes more research into effective safeguards that can limit or sidestep exposure in specific age groups to thimerosal. The data is also valuable in terms of comparing the results in mice to human babies, and dissecting the interaction between the environment and genes over time.

Molecular Psychiatry June 8, 2004

Mercury Allergies
Mercury (thimerasol) is an ingredient in several vaccines -- included in order to kill any live contaminants. It is most likely to be used for a vaccine stored in a multi-dose vial. In rare instances, this causes allergic reactions. At much higher doses, mercury is a known cause of irreversible nerve and brain damage, especially before birth and in the first 6 months of life. 

Mercury was responsible for the first known epidemic of cerebral palsy from a toxin when it was dumped into Minamata Bay in Japan in the 1950's by a vinyl plastics factory. Might it also cause mercury toxicity in children who frequently get mercury-containing vaccines? This has long been a concern with the gamma globulin shot used to prevent Hepatitis A in travelers. Where practical, the Hepatitis A vaccine is a safer and more effective alternative that does not contain mercury. Still, getting a shot of gamma globulin is still far better than getting hepatitis.
All of the vaccines now in the routine schedule are available in thimerosal-free forms. Other vaccines such as the diphtheria-tetanus, meningococcal, influenza vaccines, and gamma globulin will still contain thimerosal after the first quarter of 2001.These vaccines are not recommended for children as part of the recommended childhood immunization schedule, though for some children the benefits will outweigh the risks. In addition, the vaccination of children in much of the world will continue to require the use of multi-dose vials for reasons of cost and storage capacity. 
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the United States Public Health Service (PHS) has called for the elimination of mercury from all vaccines. Multi-dose vials require a preservative to prevent microbial contamination after the vial is opened, but manufacturers are encouraged to seek alternatives.  
Mother's Poisoning Their Children!
30 mei 2007
Hi again! Today I thought I would share with you a fairly recent study that has clearly shown that mother's that transfer mercury to their children can cause them permanent damage. This is sad fact of mothers inadvertently poisoning their children!
An 18-year study of more than 800 children whose mothers ate mercury-containing seafood while pregnant shows that the toxic effects of prenatal exposure to mercury on brain functions can be permanent.
Even low levels of mercury from the maternal diets produced slowing of hearing-related electrical signals in the brain when the children were tested at age 14. The teenagers also had impaired neurological regulation of their heart rate, a sign of mercury toxicity in the brain stem.
The publication of the study coincides with the Environmental Protection Agency doubling its estimate of the number of babies born in the U.S. with blood mercury levels that pose a risk for developmental toxicity. New data suggest that one in six babies may have mercury levels exceeding the EPA's safe limit.

Mercury-rich Meals 

Starting in 1986, Philippe Grandjean, adjunct professor in the Department of Environmental Health at HSPH, and his colleagues measured levels of mercury in the blood of more than 1,000 mothers and their newborns from the Faroe Islands, located in the North Atlantic between Iceland and Norway. The Faroese eat seafood an average of three times a week, including an occasional meal of mercury-rich whale meat. The mothers and babies averaged blood levels of mercury around 10 times higher than the U.S. average.
The researchers recently tested 859 of the children at age 14 for evidence of mercury toxicity. The scientists measured hearing-related electrical activity in the brain via electrodes attached to the children's heads.
They found that the speed at which a nerve signal goes from the ear to the brainstem after a noise stimulus is slower in children who had been exposed to higher levels of mercury in utero. There was a dose-dependent correlation between prenatal mercury exposure as measured in the mothers' and children's blood at birth and delays in nerve transmission 14 years later.
"Mercury, as we well know, is toxic to the developing brain. This study confirms that such effects are lasting, that they are permanent," said Grandjean, author on two research reports that appear in the February Journal of Pediatrics. To put it another way, he said, "The brain cells don't get a second chance."
Though postnatal mercury exposure in the children, measured when they were 7 or 14 years old, did not correlate with the signal delays, the researchers did see an additional delay further along the signaling pathway in some children, which seemed to indicate additional neurotoxicity from continued mercury exposure during childhood.

Heart Beaten by Mercury

The researchers also found that the effects on the nervous system from prenatal exposure influence the cardiovascular system, making the heart rate less responsive to neurological control. "We see that the way the autonomic system regulates heart beat is less efficient," said Grandjean, adding that heart beat abnormalities like these have been related to heart attack risk later in life.
Delays in nerve signaling were not associated with hearing loss in the children, but the changes in electrical activity are important indicators of the subtle and persistent effects of mercury on the brain, Grandjean said.
Commonly used tests to determine mercury toxicity include measures of mental or motor skills such as word memorization, drawing, or assembling puzzles. But these measures can be affected by socioeconomic factors, and such tests have led to conflicting conclusions about mercury exposure and development.
Electrical signals, on the other hand, represent a cleaner measure of a physiological effect caused by toxicants. "These are entirely objective measures conducted with electrodes on the skull or the chest, and our results support the notion that mercury does cause toxic effects at very low exposure levels," explained Grandjean.
The researchers are continuing their work, testing the children on mental and motor measurements and collecting information on their school performance. The data is now on its way through the computer, said Grandjean, who hopes to have results within the next two years.
Based on the present study, the EPA's estimate of the safe level of blood mercury in women and children may be "too optimistic," cautioned Grandjean, since the new findings suggest that similar blood mercury levels may be associated with reductions in nerve transmission signals in children.

Look after yourself and your loved ones - begin detoxifying with HMD now - see

Mercury Passed from Mother to Child!

It's really a sad fact when mother's inadvertently poison their children with mercury from their own bodies during pregnancy and breast feeding.
It is my belief that every woman who is thinking of having a child should consciously begin detoxifying heavy metals from her body using a natural chelator about a year or so before getting pregnant.
This will ensure that she has less heavy metals in her body to pass onto the little child that will be growing in her womb. 
Dr. George J Georgiou, Ph.D.,ND.,DSc (AM)
Director, DaVinci LifeSciences Research Laboratory

Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 18:04:36 -0400
Subject: Dr Pepi's Tip #33 vaccines & thimerosal

For almost 80 years, vaccines in the United States have contained thimerosal which is one of the most toxic forms of mercury.  Thimerosal was banned decades ago in Russia, Denmark, Austria, Britain, Japan and Scandinavia.  


Dr Boyd Haley, PhD, chairman of the University of Kentucky chemistry department, has said, “You couldn’t even construct a study that shows that thimerosal is safe.  It’s just too toxic. . . .If you inject thimerosal into an animal its brain will sicken.  If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die.  If you put it in a Petri dish, the culture dies . . . . . it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage.


Manufacturers report varied effects of thimerosal directly in Material Safety Data Sheets:   Per Eli Lilly:  Early signs of mercury poisoning in adults are nervous system effects, including narrowing of the visual field and numbness in the extremities.  Exposure to mercury in utero and in children can cause mild to severe mental retardation and mild to severe motor coordination impairment.


As stockpiled vaccines containing thimerosal are likely to be around for some time, read the insert that comes with your own particular vaccine package before you are injected to see what yours contains.  Do not accept media spin or reassurances from MDs that it is no longer in vaccines. 


Vaccines still produced with thimerosal:

    1)    Influenza (flu shot)

    2)    Tetanus

    3)    DT (Diphtheria & Tetanus)

    4)    DTwP (Diphtheria & Tetanus & Pertussis)

    5)    Meningococcal vaccine


Best idea is to keep your immune system in great condition!
Feel free to forward to friends who can sign up here for Free Health Tips
Best wishes,
Dr Anita Mary Pepi DC

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